- 2
- 0
- 0
Rename RPPMask Surface Class
#177 opened by ramezquitao - 0
RPPMASK not working
#175 opened by ramezquitao - 2
- 1
Issue with 'brentq' when propagating rays through a system containing an aspherical mirror
#168 opened by Einuhrmittax - 0
Migrate to numpy 2.0
#166 opened by ramezquitao - 2
Automatic version from TAG
#164 opened by ramezquitao - 2
Problems with simulating Herriott cell
#151 opened by keeqianling - 0
Solve resonant cavities problem
#158 opened by ramezquitao - 0
Fix pythreejs documentation generation
#159 opened by ramezquitao - 0
Rays exiting at the edges of an optical element
#161 opened by ramezquitao - 0
- 0
Upgrade cython code to python3
#157 opened by ramezquitao - 0
- 0
Installation problem on ubuntu
#146 opened by TahaJahani - 5
3D surfaces not rotated correctly
#130 opened by rdgraham - 3
Error on Thorlabs catalog
#141 opened by ramezquitao - 8
- 0
- 0
- 5
Installation problem
#124 opened by meidihku - 0
Tutorial not running, glass type keys changed
#105 opened by rdgraham - 2
Maintenance of Python 2.7
#67 opened by ColinBrosseau - 1
Tests don't pass on Python 2.7
#68 opened by ColinBrosseau - 0
- 1
Cleanup spaces ?
#111 opened by ederag - 7
Lens focus wrong?
#94 opened by ldm78 - 1
Support on google Colab notebook?
#80 opened by adambot806 - 9
vedo library for viz
#117 opened by marcomusy - 1
Some needed shapes
#54 opened by johannct - 2
Calculating the impact angle of a hit_list ray
#103 opened by frizensami - 7
laser scanner requires polygon object
#95 opened by hstarmans - 0
span works wrong in point_source_p
#93 opened by ldm78 - 3
- 4
NURBS raytracing
#77 opened by Jonas231 - 0
Verify asphericalHO class
#73 opened by ramezquitao - 0
Travis seems miss configured
#69 opened by ColinBrosseau - 5
tests not working
#63 opened by ColinBrosseau - 0
Optical path calculation error
#62 opened by ramezquitao - 0
- 0
Aperture stop has no aperture in Plot3D
#60 opened by ederag - 3
- 0
- 0
Visualization problem of IdealTLens
#50 opened by wcamilo96 - 0
Error in pw_propagate method
#51 opened by wcamilo96 - 0
- 2
#47 opened by ZacDiggum - 4
Windows 7 / 10 x64 install instructions
#46 opened by ZacDiggum - 0
Verificar Lentes Ideales
#45 opened by ramezquitao