
Simple, lightweight note taking from the command line

Primary LanguageShell


Simple, lightweight note taking from the command line.

notes is an opinionated lightweight note taking utility. It thinks the following

  • Use markdown for taking notes
  • Use a text editor for taking notes
  • Notes are stored in ~/Documents/notes
  • Text files are good
  • Doing one thing well is good


First, create a git repository under ~/Documents/notes.

Then notes.sh is just a bash script, so install it somewhere in your $PATH and you are good to go.


Show help text

notes help

Create a new note and opens it in whatever you have set for $EDITOR, or vi if not set.

notes new note-name

List the notes you've made

notes list

Show the content of note-name in the terminal using more.

notes show note-name

Delete note-name

notes rm note-name

Edit note-name

notes edit note-name

Display the current version

notes version

Run git commands on the notes repository

notes git