
This is the main integration/build repository.

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HPSC Chiplet Board Support Package

This repository includes:

  1. build-hpsc-bsp.sh - top-level build script.
  2. build-hpsc-bare.sh - builds artifacts with the bare metal compiler, including the TRCH firmware for the Cortex-M4 and u-boot for the Cortex-R52s.
  3. build-hpsc-host.sh - builds artifacts for the host development system, including QEMU and associated utilities, and developer tools like the HPSC Eclipse distribution.
  4. build-hpsc-rtems.sh - builds the RTEMS SDK, BSP, and reference software for the RTPS Cortex-R52s.
  5. build-hpsc-yocto.sh - builds Yocto Linux SDK for the HPPS Cortex-A53 clusters, including the reference root filesystem and Linux test utilities.
  6. build-recipe.sh - build individual component recipes; wrapped by other build scripts.
  7. run-qemu.sh - runs QEMU using artifacts deployed by the build scripts (prior to packaging).

Scripts must be run from the same directory. Use the -h flag to print script usage help.

Build scripts download from the git repositories located at: https://github.com/orgs/ISI-apex/teams/hpsc/repositories

Updating the BSP

To update the sources that the BSP build scripts use, you must modify the build recipes, located in build-recipes/. There are some helper scripts in utils/ to automate upgrading dependencies.

Some sources (ATF, linux, and u-boot for the HPPS) are managed by Yocto recipes, and are thus transitive dependencies. These recipes are found in the meta-hpsc project and must be configured there. The meta-hpsc project revision is then configured with a local recipe in build-recipes/, like other BSP dependencies.

If you need to add new build recipes, read build-recipes/README.md and walk through build-recipe.sh and build-recipes/ENV.sh. See existing recipes for examples.

BSP QEMU configuration files and scripts are managed by the bsp build recipe and are source-controlled in build-recipes/bsp/utils/.

BSP Build

The top-level build-hpsc-bsp.sh script wraps the other build scripts documented below and packages the BSP's binary and source tarballs.

By default, it will run through the following steps, which may be run independently using the -a flag so long as previous steps are complete:

  • fetch - download toolchains and fetch all sources required to build offline
  • build - build sources for the binary release
  • stage - stage artifacts into the directory structure to be packaged
  • package - package the staged directory structure into the BSP binary release archive
  • package-sources - package sources into the BSP source release archive

To perform a build:


All files are downloaded and built in a working directory, which defaults to BUILD. You may optionally specify a different working directory using -w.

Host Build

To independently fetch and build host development system artifacts:


The build generates in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy:

  1. conf - QEMU configuration directory
  2. qemu-env.sh - QEMU configuration parameters
  3. run-qemu.sh - QEMU launch script

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/sdk:

  1. hpsc-arch.dtb - QEMU device tree
  2. qemu-bridge-helper - QEMU utility for creating TAP devices
  3. qemu-system-aarch64 - QEMU binary
  4. hpsc-eclipse-cpp-2018-09-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz - HPSC Eclipse installer
  5. tools - a directory with host utility scripts and binaries

Bare Metal Build

To independently fetch and build the bare metal toolchain and dependent artifacts:


The build generates in ${WORKING_DIR}/sdk/toolchains:

  1. gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update-linux.tar.bz2 - ARM bare metal toolchain

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/ssw/trch:

  1. trch.elf - TRCH firmware
  2. syscfg-schema.json - schema for system configuration parsed by TRCH

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/ssw/rtps/r52:

  1. u-boot.bin - u-boot for the RTPS R52s

The bare metal toolchain is also installed locally at ${WORKING_DIR}/env/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update.


To independently fetch and build the RTEMS SDK, R52 BSP, and dependent artifacts:


The build generates non-relocatable toolchains/SDKs/BSPs in ${WORKING_DIR}/env:

  1. RSB-5 - RTEMS Source Builder SDK
  2. RT-5 - RTEMS Tools
  3. RTEMS-5-RTPS-R52 - RTPS R52 RTEMS BSP for building RTEMS applications

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/ssw/rtps/r52:

  1. rtps-r52.img - RTPS R52 firmware

Yocto Build

To independently fetch and build the Yocto SDK and dependent artifacts:


The build generates in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/sdk/toolchains:

  1. poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-hpsc-aarch64-toolchain-2.6.3.sh - the Yocto SDK installer

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/ssw/hpps/:

  1. arm-trusted-firmware.bin - the Arm Trusted Firmware binary
  2. core-image-minimal-hpsc-chiplet.cpio.gz.u-boot - the Linux root file system for booting the dual A53 cluster
  3. hpsc.dtb - the Chiplet device tree for SMP Linux
  4. Image.gz - the Linux kernel binary image
  5. u-boot.dtb - the U-boot device tree
  6. u-boot-nodtb.bin - the U-boot bootloader for the dual A53 cluster

and in ${WORKING_DIR}/deploy/ssw/:

  1. tests - a directory with the pytest test infrastructure

The Yocto SDK is also installed locally at ${WORKING_DIR}/env/yocto-hpps-sdk.

Booting QEMU

After the builds complete, developers can execute the top-level run-qemu.sh script to launch QEMU. This approach uses the artifacts in the working deploy directory, avoiding the need to always create and extract the BSP release tarball during development.

WARNING: Do not edit files in the working directory ${WORKING_DIR} (such as deploy/qemu-env.sh)! ${WORKING_DIR} is managed exclusively by the build scripts. To override the default QEMU configuration, create and use a custom environment file outside the working directory. For example:

./run-qemu.sh -- -e /path/to/qemu-env-override.sh