Editable install w/ pylint

Demonstrates that an editable install with py-build-cmake is different from a setuptools install in a way that breaks pylint. Tested with pylint 2.14.3 on macOS.

In both sub-projects, the following commands:

First, install prerequisites:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install pylint

Now test pylint with a normal install:

pip install .
python test.py
pylint test.py
pip uninstall -y foo

You should see that test.py runs successfully and pylint works correctly on the file for both setuptools and py-build-cmake.

Now test pylint with an editable install:

pip install -e .
python test.py
pylint test.py
pip uninstall -y foo

You should see that test.py runs successfully. However, pylint works correctly on the file for the setuptools version, but the py-build-cmake version results in both import-error and no-name-in-module errors.