
bathos bitbang console decoder

Primary LanguageC++

This is a tool which uses a Saleae logic8 logic analyzer to decode and display
the output of the bathos-mcuio debug console port.
Code comes from ConsoleDemo.cpp, included in the SaleaeDeviceSdk-1.1.14 sdk.

To build (under linux):

   * Download SaleaeDeviceSdk-1.1.14 (it is __not__ free software,
   * Untar the sdk somewhere (we'll call SDK the path to SaleaeDeviceSdk-1.1.14
     from now on).
   * Clone this repository.
   * Build:

		make SDK=<path_to_your_sdk>

   By default, libSaleaeDevice64.so is used, switch to libSaleaeDevice.so
   if needed (add a LIBSALEAE=-lSaleaeDevice on make cmdline).

   * Connect wire 0 (black) of the logic analyzer to IO9 on the arduino shield
     of the arduino yun board.
   * Connect wire 1 (brown) to IO8.
   * Connect the ground wire of the logic analyzer to a convenient ground pin.

Run bathos_console, making sure that libSaleaeDevice[64].so can be seen by the
dynamic linker (user LD_LIBRARY_PATH or copy the library to the proper place,
or run ldconfig ...).