An-application ansible role

An ansible role that allows to deploy applications.

The role includes the following tasks:

  1. Create application directories at application_prefix/application_name with releases and shared folders inside. Get the current time for a timestamp.
  2. Create additional shared directories for application_shared items.
  3. Configure application_environment variables if specified.
  4. Download a project from git application_repository or application_url to releases.
  5. Link shared resources to the application.
  6. Execute specified in application_prepare commands to prepare the application.
  7. Link the deployed application to the current directory application_prefix/application_name/current.
  8. Keep last application_keep_versions releases. Cleanup unnecessary files.

This role can be run under all versions of Ubuntu.



Role Variables

All available variables are listed below along with default values (see defaults/main.yml). The next variables specify a user and a group you will run scripts as:

application_user: "deploy"
application_group: "deploy"

Use following variables to set the application name and prefix. All application directories will be created at application_prefix/application_name.

application_prefix: "/var/www/"
application_name: ""

You can define how many last releases should be kept with the next variable:

application_keep_versions: 7   # Keep last 7 releases

If application_repository is defined, the application_deploy_key values is sent to a remote deploy user at shared/.ssh_deploy_key. Then the project repository is cloned from git application_repository. You can define what release version of the repository should be used with the appropriate variable. It can be a literal string HEAD (default), a branch name or a tag name.

application_repository: ""       # Address of a git repository
application_deploy_key: ""       # An optional private key file for the repository
application_release_version: ""  # Version to check out

If application_url is specified, the role creates application directory at releases/timestamp and downloads a project archive from application_url to it. If necessary, you can set HTTP headers for authentication.

application_url: ""
application_url_headers: ""  # Custom HTTP headers to a request in the format "key:value,key:value"

A list of shared directories, which will be created, can be set by the application_shared variable.

application_shared: []

Available parameters for each item are given below:

  - src: public   # Link 'shared/src' to 'releases/timestamp/dest'
    dest: public
    dir: yes      # Create shared directories for the item

If application_environment variables are specified, the role attaches them to the application at shared/.env and export the values to $HOME/.profile.

application_environment: {}

You can list required variables in the following format:


Specify other commands which must be executed for the application deployment as a list of strings:

application_prepare: []
# application_prepare:
#   - "unzip"
#   - "rm"

Set a list of services which should be restarted after the application deployment.

application_services: []
# application_services:
#   - appname.service
#   - "{{ systemd_service_name }}"



Example playbook

The given example creates /var/www/any folder with releases, shared folders and current symlink.

    - role: an-application
      application_name: any
        ENV1: 1
        ENV2: 2
        RACK_ENV: production
      application_release_version: "master"
        - src: .env
          dest: .env
        - src: node_modules
          dir: yes
          dest: node_modules
        - npm install


Licensed under the MIT License.