This is a location that contains scripts for processing certain repetitive tasks. It is inspired by a project to mint a custom NFT but, it will likely come in handy for a variety of other tasks in the future.
- Create a script for copying the files and incrementing the number (ie. file name: 0.json is copied and creates 1.json)
- Create a script for opening a file and incrementing the token ID number (ie. token number: 0 is now token number: 1)
- Nest the scripts inside one another so that as the new incremental file is created, the token is incremented
- Create a script that copies image files in binary and increments the file number (as above)
These files have been created through learning related to concepts like "first-order functions", "file read-write-replace", and a variety of code concepts around meta data files. Some possible places to dig around are included below.