
Forking for use at the CIND.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

3D U-Net for Fetal Brain Segmentation

Code used for the following paper: Development of Gestational Age–Based Fetal Brain and Intracranial Volume Reference Norms Using Deep Learning. See Citation.

Table of Contents


This UNET has been developed to automatically segment fetal brain from 3D MRI images. This repository contains code to train a new model, continue the training, fine tune the training with frozen layers, and test a model with new images. It uses a cross entropy loss and computes a soft dice score during training, and regular dice score for the test part.



Download this code directly, or use the following:

cd /directory/where/you/want/the/code
# with UCSF GitHub, you have to use SSH connection
git clone git@github.com:rauschecker-sugrue-labs/fetal-brain-segmentation.git
# to update later, simply use:
git pull origin

The code is accessible inside the unet directory, with a START_HERE.py file to help getting started. See more here.

Python Environment

A valid conda install is needed (Anaconda, Miniconda).
Install the environment from the unet.yml file.

# Standard install:
conda env create -f unet.yml
# Specify where to install:
conda env create --prefix /path/to/install -f unet.yml

Directory structure

The code and configuration is set up to work best with a specific directory structure, described in Configuration.


Tensorflow 2 version

Everything can be done from the START_HERE.py file. There are 2 actions to perform: load a Config object, and call Config.start().

  1. Load config: c = Config(your_parameters). Specify the run parameters here, cf. config section.
  2. Launch training or testing: c.start()


Most configuration happens in the file config.py, with the object Config(object). It contains train/test setup (paths, etc.), along with most model parameters (batch size, # epochs, learning rate, etc.).

Before running any experiment, a csv split file must exist in the main folder (models/ or predict/).

The directories are organized in the following way:

rootdir/ ## referred to as *root*
├── Data
│   ├── my_image_data
│   │   └── raw
│   └── my_image_data2
│        └── raw
├── models
│   ├── my_train_set
│   ├── my_train_set.csv
│   └── etc.
├── predict
│    └── etc.
└── fetal-brain-segmentation

A call to the configuration object could look like the following:

# Training
c = Config(root='path/to/root',

# Testing
c = Config(root='path/to/root',

Configuration call options:

Variable Type Default Description Usage Required
root str Path to root directory (above Data/, models/)
datasource str Directory name for the source of data
experiment str Name of experiment (if train: model name, if predict: prediction name)
train bool True for train, False for predict
model str None If train = False, this is the model name used to predict the data
move_images bool True For predict only: move images into directory to allow processing (needs to be ran at least once per predict experiment).
tmp_storage str None Location of tfrecords *None=in main exp directory. 'TMP'=$TMPDIR.
which_model str 'latest' Chooses which model to load for predict 'latest' -> latest | 'root' if checkpoint is at the root | 'your_name' -> this name
read_only bool False If set to True, folders won't be created on init. To use only if the goal is to read data from a previous run
GPU int/list int None Chooses which GPU(s) will be used for this session If None, all available GPUs will be used. GPU=0 | GPU=[0,1] | GPU='1' accepted

Split file

The split file is a csv file that specifies filenames (e.g. 10101010_FLAIR.nii.gz) and whether that file represents a training, validation, or test case. The split file must be saved in either the model/ or the predict/ directory. It must have the same name as the input of experiment variable in the Config call.
It doesn't have headers, and consists of 3 columns:

  • first: image file name without extension
  • second: disease class (not being used currently so could be NA)
  • third: train, val, or test (for model training, validation during training, or testing)

Start training & testing

Make your own copy of START_HERE.py.

## Load module
from utils.config import Config


## Config
# ... for training (OR)
c = Config(root='path/to/root',

# (OR) ... for continued training
c = Config(root='path/to/root',
## Check that everything is setup correctly

## Start training


If you are planning to simply apply a pre-trained model (such as the latest version of the FLAIR U-net) on a new dataset, you can do so as follows:

## Config for testing
c = Config(root='path/to/root',

## Check that everything is setup correctly

## Start testing


Training output:

├── config.txt
├── model
│   ├── date1
│   ├── date2
│   ├── checkpoint
│   ├── cp-030.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
│   └── cp-030.ckpt.index
├── tfboard
│   ├── date1
│   ├── date2
│   └── date3
├── tf_records
└── validation_output
    ├── binarized_masks
    ├── Dice_score
    ├── predictions
    └── resampled_to_originalspacing

Prediction outputs:

├── binarized_masks
├── config.txt
├── Dice_score
├── predictions
├── preprocessed
├── raw
├── resampled_to_originalspacing
└── tf_records

Tensorboard output:
See Tensorboard section.




source activate unet
tensorboard --logdir /path/to/model_dir/tfboard

It will open a port to be loaded in a browser:

Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
TensorBoard 2.4.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

If the data is on a server (e.g. SCS server), a few options:

  • open a graphic interface to this server, launch terminal, run the above commands, and open a web browser at the indicated address,
  • if using vscode, while being connected through ssh to the server, run the above commands, and vscode will automatically forward the open port to a local port on your computer,
  • if using a local terminal, follow these steps, after having run the above steps via ssh:
# XX = port provided after running the $tensorboard command (usually 06, 07, etc.)
# server = server on which the model is training (e.g. callosum.radiology.ucsf.edu)
ssh -L 160XX: server
# In your browser, go to:



In file train_test.py, function train(), there is a Tensorboard Callback tb_callback.


Edits and suggestions are welcome, using GitHub branch system to ask for merge.


If you use our code, please cite our paper:

C.B.N. Tran, P. Nedelec, D.A. Weiss, J.D. Rudie, L. Kini, L.P. Sugrue, O.A. Glenn, C.P. Hess, A.M. Rauschecker, Development of Gestational Age–Based Fetal Brain and Intracranial Volume Reference Norms Using Deep Learning. DOI:10.3174/ajnr.A7747.

@article {Tran,
	author = {Tran, C.B.N. and Nedelec, P. and Weiss, D.A. and Rudie, J.D. and Kini, L. and Sugrue, L.P. and Glenn, O.A. and Hess, C.P. and Rauschecker, A.M.},
	title = {Development of Gestational Age{\textendash}Based Fetal Brain and Intracranial Volume Reference Norms Using Deep Learning},
	year = {2022},
	doi = {10.3174/ajnr.A7747},
	publisher = {American Journal of Neuroradiology},
	issn = {0195-6108},
	URL = {http://www.ajnr.org/content/early/2022/12/21/ajnr.A7747},
	eprint = {http://www.ajnr.org/content/early/2022/12/21/ajnr.A7747.full.pdf},
	journal = {American Journal of Neuroradiology}