Lab on Version Control

This repository is an implementation of very simple storage based on Python dictionary.

The storage supports four operations:

  • add: adds <key,value> into storage, if the key is present raise an Exception
  • get: returns a value for a given key or None if no such key,
  • remove: removes <key,value> pair based on key,
  • set: sets a new value for a given key if the key is present

get is already implemented

Your task is to finish this implementation collaboratively using git. Also it is needed to provide a unittest for each method implemented in Storage class.

What we expect

  1. You are divided into several teams. One member of each team should fork this repository. Add your teammates as contributors
  2. Team members decide on which functionality they will implement (i.e. method under and a corresponding test under
  3. After that, members clone forked repository, create a branch with a name feature/add (or remove, or set), implement this functionality under that branch
  4. When the functionality is implemented and tested locally push it to the remote and open pull request to the master branch of the fork from the first item
  5. Other teammates not involved in realization of this very feature are asked to review pull request and give a positive feedback under the comments if it's OK. After that, owner of master branch merges all these features into master

As a result there should be completed functionality that evidently built in parallel.


Q1: If I am the owner of the master branch should I create feature branch or it is possible for me to push it directly to the master

A1: Ownership of the master branch doesn't provide you rights to push there directly if you're working on a project with a team. Each feature should be accepted with other members of the project. There's also an option in GitHub repo settings that won't give a possibility to push in origin/master directly

Q2: How to make the pull request

A2: Please follow