This tool lists out all shader keywords and variant counts that are being included in player build and before stripping.
Expand a shader and see it's keyword table. e.g. If a shader keyword is being completely stripped, the Comiled Count for that keyword should be 0 in the after scriptable stripping column.
Unity 2022.2.6f1+
How to install:
- On Unity Editor > Window > Package Manager
- On top left, click "+"
- Select "Add package from git URL..."
- Copy and paste:
- For Unity 2022.2.6f1+:
- For Unity 2021.3.18f1+:
- For Unity 2022.2.6f1+:
- Click Add
- OR you can edit Packages/manifest.json and add
"com.cinight.shader-variant-tool": "",
How to use:
- Make a player build
- Top menu > Windows > ShaderVariantTool
Note: The tool also generates a .csv file under the project root folder.
It contains more information and it's useful for keeping a record.
- What is Compiled Count?
- Each entry on the tool = each keyword in a shader snippet before / after scriptable stripping.
- The column "Complied Count" = how many variants in that snippet contain this keyword.
- Shouldn't the tool show all the keywords in every individual variant?
- In most of my use case, I care more about what keywords are being included (i.e. not stripped) in the build, instead of individual variant, which the keyword list for each variant could be too many/long to look at.
- If you do need the detailed variant list, use Project Auditor
- What are internal / unique program count?
- internal count = shader variants that are serialized in the player. This count should be equals to the shader variant count after scriptable-stripping. If not, it means a shader has error and thus the problematic shader variant will be skipped.
- unique count = deduplicated shader variants after shader compilation
- Please note that for XR there might be more variants added after compilation so the original shader variant count might be less than the shader variant counts after stripping.