
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Responsive image loader - Automatically resizes image files to fit the desired display dimensions

not ready for production use

##Website http://www.fleximg.com



collect all img tags that have "data-src" attribute set
	measure desired display dimensions
	set the source of that img tag to a path that leads to the resized image


catch the request for that image file
	if not image_file_exists
		create a resized version of the original image
	deliver it

#amazon ec2 setup

##debian based distros

  • setup your ubuntu ec2 instance in amazon aws console
  • create a new security group to allow incoming connections on port 8080
  • sudo apt-get install -y git
  • git clone https://github.com/cioddi/node-fleximg.git
  • cd node-fleximg
  • ./server_test_setup.sh
  • start the fleximg node server using node index

##MIT license Copyright (c) 2013 Max Tobias Weber

##additional copyright info ###assets img/test.jpg (2013 Loren Kerns http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorenkerns/9262656978/)