
Easy to use bindings for the tracy client C API.

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

Zig tracy client

Easy to use bindings for the tracy client C API.


  • Zig 0.12.0-dev.3437+af0668d6c
  • Tracy 0.10.0 (only for viewing the profiling session, this repository is only concerned with client matters)


  • Designed to integrate well with build.zig
  • Builds and statically links the tracy client - perfect for cross-compilation
  • Uses Zig comptime to nullify the tracy markup when building with tracy disabled
  • Provides Zig friendly bindings for:
    • Zone markup
    • Frame markup
    • Plotting
    • Message printing
    • Memory tracing via custom allocator


See ./example for how to set up zig-tracy with a Zig project.

In summary:

  • Declare zig-tracy as a dependency in the build.zig.zon
  • Configure zig-tracy dependency in build.zig
  • Instrument the code using the provided Zig module
  • Use Tracy UI/server to connect to the instrumented Zig application and explore the profiler data

Building as a Shared Library

If your project needs to call tracy functions from multiple DLLs, then you need to build the tracy client as a shared library.

This is accomplished by passing the shared option, and (if you're using Windows) installing the resulting shared library next to your exe.

    const tracy = b.dependency("tracy", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .shared = true,

    const install_dir = std.Build.Step.InstallArtifact.Options.Dir{ .override = .{ .bin = {} } };
    const install_tracy = b.addInstallArtifact(tracy.artifact("tracy"), .{
        .dest_dir = install_dir,
        .pdb_dir = install_dir,

For additional context, see section 2.1.5 of the Tracy manual, "Setup for multi-DLL projects".

Todo / Ideas

  • Figure out why system sampling is broken
  • Tracy fibers support, would make sense paired with Zig async
  • GPU zone markup support
  • Test callstack support