A CLI tool to generate a very fast production ready NodeJs application in no time.


Commands Description Example
create Creates a new project ome create new-project
-m or --model Create a new model in the model directory ome -m post
-c or --controller Create a new controller file in specified directory ome -c post
-s or --service Create a new service file in specified directory ome -s post
-r or --route Create a new route file in specified directory ome -r post
-R or --resource Create a new resource file in specified directory ome -R post
-u or --utility Create a new utility helper file in specified directory ome -u post
-M or --middleware Create a new middleware helper file in specified directory ome -M post
-v or --validator Create a new validator file in the validator directory ome -v post
-U or --unittest Create a new unittest file in the unit test directory ome -U post
-I or --integration Create a new integration file in the test directory ome -I post
  • automatically adds 'Controller' suffix
  • no need to name controllers as plural e.g posts(instead use post)
  • can specify/create new folder from argument (post/postService)