
A simple slider used by @creenv/gui

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Creenv slider

A simple and fully customizable slider, in native javascript. No need for complexity.


var Slider = require("@creenv/slider");

var callbackChange = function (val) {
  console.log("value has changed: "+val);

var callbackChangeFinished = function (val) {
  console.log("user has finished sliding: "+val);

var mySlider = new Slider(0, 100, 0.5, 10, callbackChange, callbackChangeFinished);

Custom the style

The css of the slider will be inserted into the < head > tags, within < style > tags identified by id="creenv-slider-style", right at the beginning. You can overwrite any of these rules to apply you own rules. Only 3 classes are used by @creenv/slider:

Class What ?
.creenv-slider-container The container of the whole slider. Its background-color will be the background color of the slider
.creenv-slider-progress The progress bar. Its width will be programatically set to match the value of the slider
.creenv-slider-cursor The draggable cursor


Slider(min: number, max: number, step: number, value: number, callbackChange: function, callbackChangeFinished: function, vertical: boolean)

Parameter Type What? Default value
min number The left value of the slider 0
max number The right value of the slider 100
step number Step between each possible value 0.5
value number Default value the slider can take 10
callbackChange function Callback function called when a change is detected to the value. Set it to undefined if you don't want any action ()=>{}
callbackChangeFinished function Callback function called when the user is done sliding. Will only be triggered when mouseclick is released. Set it to undefined if you don't want any action ()=>{}
vertical bolean If set to true, the slider will be vertical. It will need a container which height will be the desired slider's height false

Accessible (read/write) class members

Member Type What ?
.value number Current value of the slider
.min number The left value of the slider
.max number The right value of the slider
.step number The step between each possible value
.onChange function Called when value changes because of user input
.onChangeFinished function Called when value change is finished
.dom HTMLElement The dom element representing the entire slider component
.x number X Offset of the slider, from the left of the window. If vertical is set to true, Y of the slider
.width number Width, in px, of the slider. If vertical is set to true, height of the slider
.container HTMLElement DOM element of the container (=.dom)
.progress HTMLElement DOM element of the progress bar inside the container
.cursor HTMLElement DOM element of the cursor inside the container