
Embedded AV digital hardware made in Pure Data

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

🎛️🌈🔊 Synaesthetik

Embedded system for real time sound and image generation on Raspberry Pi environment

Thesis project for the Master in Sonic Arts at the Tor Vergata University of Rome - Paper



  • 8 x independent tracks with as many Mutable Instruments Braids clone synthesizer with related synthesis engines:

    • CS-80 style sawtooth with notch filter
    • Wave in continuous morphing between triangular, sawtooth, square, pulse, with character control
    • Square / sawtooth wave with PWM (Pulse width modulation)
    • Wave that morphs between triangular and sine wave with wavefolder
    • Pulse train with limited bandwidth with wavefolder
    • Double square or sawtooth wave with hard sync
    • Triple sawtooth, square, triangular or sine wave
    • Series of three ring modulated sine waves
    • Seven sawtooth wave swarm
    • Sawtooth wave with comb filter
    • Sawtooth wave with downsampling and bitcrushing
    • Casio CZ style filtered waveforms
    • Vocal or formant synthesis in lo-fi or hi-fi version - Harmonic oscillator
    • FM synthesis with various feedback algorithms
    • Plucked string (Karplus strong)
    • Arched rope
    • Reed and flute
    • Bell or metal membrane
    • Roland 808 bass drum, cymbals, and snare drum
    • Noise processed by a tuned multimode filter - Noise processed by a dual band-pass filter - Clocked digital noise
    • Cloud of sinusoidal grains
    • Particle synthesis
  • 8 x ADSR for each track

  • 8 x Moog Ladder filter for each track

  • 8 x multi-waves LFO for each track

  • 8 x Euclidean sequencers with microtonal scale calculation

  • 10 x different sends to FX for each synth:

    • Hall reverb (Reverb of the Rings module by Mutable Instruments)
    • Plate reverb (ELSE)
    • Delay with feedback (ELSE)
    • Ping Pong Delay (ELSE)
    • Chorus (ELSE)
    • Phaser (ELSE)
    • Flanger (ELSE)
    • Bitcrusher (ELSE)
    • Downsampling (ELSE)
    • Granulator (Clone of the Clouds module by Mutable Instruments)
  • 8 x Onset detection engine for each track that modulate the generation values of the visual shapes through an envelope with decay and range. The destinations of these values are thirty-three divided for the whole Ofelia algorithm:

    • X-axis rotation of the background
    • Y axis rotation of the background
    • Z axis rotation of the background
    • rendering mode (lines, plane and points)
    • line width, transposition on the X axis
    • transposition on the Y axis
    • transposition on the Z axis
    • repetition
    • rotation on the X axis
    • rotation on the Y axis
    • rotation on the Z axis
    • RGB values of the first form
    • RGB values of the last form
    • choice of shape
    • radius of the sphere
    • sides of the polygon of the sphere
    • radius of the circle
    • rim geometries
    • XYZ values for all vertices of the triangle
    • width and height of the top
    • number of rows and columns of the plan.
  • Global transport logic with BPM control

  • Interactive GUI with buttons, sliders and knobs

Hardware needs

  • Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry OS
  • HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro
  • 5 inch Capacitive Touch Screen
  • 2 x Mini HDMI to standard HDMI cable
  • 2 x Female Jack TS Connector (optional)


Software needs


plotplot plot

All code included in this repository is in the public domain and used for study and research purposes only