
Repository for analysis code

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============ AnalysisCode

Repository for analysis code

Recipe for 80X:

   cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_20_patch1
   cd CMSSW_8_0_20_patch1/src
   git cms-init
   git fetch --all		   
   git push my-cmssw remotes/official-cmssw/CMSSW_8_0_X:refs/heads/CMSSW_8_0_X
   git checkout CMSSW_8_0_X
   git merge official-cmssw/CMSSW_8_0_X
   git cms-addpkg FWCore/Framework
   git revert ccdf67f9dc7ee3968bc489b773561af6025e2115   
   git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v1
   git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v3_photons
   git cms-merge-topic shervin86:Moriond2017_JEC_energyScales
   cd EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
   git clone git@github.com:ECALELFS/ScalesSmearings.git
   cd -
   git cms-merge-topic -u cms-met:fromCMSSW_8_0_20_postICHEPfilter
   git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_8020
   git cms-merge-topic ahinzmann:METRecipe_8020_Moriond17
   git clone git@github.com:avartak/AnalysisCode.git -b Raffaele_8020_X

How to Run the ntuple production (for analysis):

   cd CMSSW_8_0_8/src/AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/test
   cmsRun tree.py <list of options>

Example: cmsRun tree.py isMC=True

Caveat: multithreading is not working at the moment


   isMC                : set to True when running on simulated events
   isFastSIM           : set to True when running on fast sim miniAOD (still temp and relying on Emanuele miniAOD)
   filterHighMETEvents : apply metCut GeV seletion on recoil/met (mumet or elmet or phmet or met)
   metCut              : met threshold
   filterOnHLT         : require the OR of all the trigger path definied in the MonoJetTreeMaker (beginRun)
   setHLTFilterFlag    : if true set all the HLT bits to 1 --> used only with 80X MC samples without trigger L1/HLT bit info
   usePrivateSQliteJEC : use a local db file for jet energy correction
   usePrivateSQliteJER : use a local db file for jet energy smearings (by default true since no records in existing GT)
   applyL2L3Residuals  : apply or not L2L3 residuals on data
   addPileupJetID      : re-run the pileup-jet id on AK4PFchs jets (new tune for 76X)
   addQGLikelihood     : add QGL value for AK4PFchs and AK4PFPuppi in case
   addPuppiJets        : dump Puppi jet info in the MonoJetTreeMaker and add all the related modules in the process
   addPuppiMET         : dump Puppi met info in the MonoJetTreeMaker and add all the related modules in the process
   addMVAMet           : add the MVA met (still not working in 76X)
   useMiniAODMet       : set to True when using miniAOD computed met and related systematics
   addMETSystematics   : dump MET systematic variations in the tree and, when useMiniAODMet = False, re-evaluate thorugh METSystematicProducer (for PUPPI too)
   useOfficialMETSystematics : use the official MET tool for systematics and not the private code
   addSubstructureCHS  : compute all substructure info for PFCHS jets (different parameters can be changed directly in tree.py)
   addSubstructurePuppi: compute all substructure info for PFPuppi jets 
   processName         : name of the cms.Process
   miniAODProcess      : name of the cms.Process used in miniAOD production --> useful for MET filters..etc
   outputFileName      : name of the output root file from TFileService
   globalTag           : GT to be used--> default for MC = 76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_RunIIFall15DR76_v1, default for DATA = 76X_dataRun2_16Dec2015_v0
   JECEra              : JEC era string
   useLHEWeights       : dump LHE weights and info (only for MC samples)
   addQCDPDFWeights    : dump scalar and PDF variations (only for MC samples)
   addGenParticles     : dump gen level info like W/Z boson and related decaying particles, gen photons, top and anti-top
   isSignalSample      : dump gen level info for DM particles and mediator, as well as reading masses from the LHE header
   crossSection        : fix the cross section branch in fb-1 from an external value
   dropAnalyzerDumpEDM : to debug, avoid analyzers and dump edm collections produced in the event
   nThreads            : number of threads
   isCrab              : to be used to handle correctly local files with Crab
   addEGMSmear         : to correct electrons and photons: in MC apply energy smearing, in DATA correct the scale
   addMETBreakDown     : break down the raw PF missing energy into the different components

Some useful information:

 Global Tag:

 Recipe for pileup-reweight:

    pileupCalc.py -i Cert_246908-260627_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt --inputLumiJSON pileup_JSON_11-19-2015.txt  --calcMode true --minBiasXsec 69000 --maxPileupBin 50 --numPileupBins 50 Cert_246908-260627_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.root

 MiniAOD content:

 Recipe for muon ID:

 Recipe for electron ID (cut based):

 Recipe for photon ID (cut based):

 Recipe for jet ID:

 Recipe for pileup jet ID:

 Recipe for Puppi and Puppi MET:

 Recipe for Quark-Gluon likelihood ID:

 Recipe for B-tagging and scale factor:

 Recipe for V-tagging:

 Recipe for DoubleB-tagging:

 Recipe for JEC variations:

 Recipe for JER smearings:

 Recipe for MET filters:

 Recipe for MVA MET:
 Recipe for Recoil Correction:

========================== Combine Package and ROOT 6

Please have a look to the following twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit#ROOT6_SLC6_release_CMSSW_7_4_X

================================= Run Crab Jobs for a given dataset

Python multicrab script can be used to submit on multiple dataset in one shot

   cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/test/crab
   python <multicrab.py> <multicrab cfg> 

Examples on how to setup the python for data and MC are crab/multicrab_MC_76X.py crab/multicrab_DATA_76X.py:

 pyCfgParams : list of all the parameters to be given to the cmsRun application when the job is executed on the grid
 config.JobType.numCores : to allow multi-thread process .. the value should be the same of nThread
 All the other parameters are the standard crab3 ones: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/CRAB3ConfigurationFile

The config file which defines the dataset and additional parmaters for the cmsRun application can be found in SampleList_DATA_76X and SampleList_MC_76X.

samples[<name of crab di>] = [<dataset name>, [<additional parameters>]]


samples['ZJetsToNuNu_HT-100To200']  = ['/ZJetsToNuNu_HT-100To200_13TeV-madgraph/RunIIFall15MiniAODv2-PU25nsData2015v1_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v12-v1/MINIAODSIM',

================================= Run Filter step for a dataset

The filter step macro allows to reduce the event content of the trees produced by the MonoJetTreeMaker, according to a set of predifined selections.

To run the macro:

   cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/;
   root -l ;
   .L fiters.C+
   sigfilter(...), zmmfilter(....), zeefilter(...), wmnfilter(...), wenfilter(...), gamfilter(...), topmufilter(...), topelfilter(...)

These function are used to select signal like events, Z->mm, Z->ee, W->mnu, W->enu, gamma+jets, semi-leptonic ttbar muon, semi-leptionc ttbar electron

Basic options:

  --inputFileName : name of the input file or name of the crab directory in which different files are locate (TChain is used in this case)
  --outputFileName : output file .. the code can take a list of files in input but will produce a single output
  --isMC : flag to indicate data or MC
  --applyBTagWeights : calculates b-tag scale factors and related uncertainties
  --isInputDirectory : specify if the inputFileName is a single file or a directory
  --isEOS : in case of a directoy this indicates if it is located in EOS or in a local directory
  --xsType: 0 means use the xsec branch stored in the origin MonoJetTreeMaker tree, 1 valuate the xs as sumwgt/Nevents (useful for powheg+minlo mono-jet samples), 2 means take the xs from LHE header stored in the genTree.
  --storeGenTree   : save the whole gen tree in the output 
  --isSinglePhoton : options available only for zeefilter, wenfilter and topelfilter allows to run on single photon dataset keeping events triggered by singlephoton but not by single electron triggers .. aim is to increase the statistics at high pt.
  --dropHLTFilter  : to drop the HLT selection during the filter stage --> useful for 80X MC
  --metCut : value to be applied on MET/Recoil

To run the filter step on a crab output:

   python scripts/runFilters.py -b <options>


--inputDIR : input directory path
--outputDIR : output directory path
--filterName = "sigfilter",....... "all" => when you want to run all the filters (one filter = one job)
--calculateXSfromSW : to calculate xs from sum of weights
--calculateXSfromLHE : take xs from LHE header
--isCrabDirectory : indicates if the directory has been created by crab (use a recursive find method to make the file list for the TChain)
--batchMode : means run the filter.C code on lxbatch
--jobDIR : direcotry where all the jobs sh are created
--queque <string>
--submit : to submit while created


python scripts/runFilters.py --inputDIR /store/group/upgrade/delphes/VBS_SS/Production-03-04-2016//WWToLNuQQ_13TeV-powheg --outputDIR /store/group/upgrade/delphes/VBS_SS/Production-03-04-2016/SkimmedProduction-12-05-2016/ --filterName all --jobDIR JOB --queque 1nd --batchMode --submit --isOnEOS --isMC --applyBTagSF --isCrabDirectory 

========================================== Run Filter step for all the crab outputs

If you want to run in one shot filters on a set of outputs produced by crab for different datasets you can use:

  python scripts/submitFilters.py <options>


--inputDIR : mother crab directory, typically located on EOS
--outputDIR : output directory .. typically located on EOS
<many options in common with scripts/runFilters.py>
--grepName <name 1>,<name 2> ..: to look only at specific subdir which name contains all the string in the list
--skipName <name 1>,<name 2> ..: to skip the sub-dir which name contains one  of the string in the list


python scripts/submitFilters.py --inputDIR /store/group/upgrade/delphes/VBS_SS/Production-03-04-2016/ --outputDIR /store/group/upgrade/delphes/VBS_SS/Production-03-04-2016/SkimmedProduction-12-05-2016/ --filterName all --isMC --applyBTagSF --skipName MET,SinglePhoton,SingleEle --jobDIR JOB --queque 1nd

================================= Copy Files to a local laptop

Once all the filtered files are available in some directory (typically on EOS), a script can be used to copy all or some of them to a local machine, where the last stages of the analysis are done:

 python scripts/files/copyAllDirectoriesEOS.py  <options>


--inputDIR : mother direcotry where all the filtered files are located
--outputDIR : local folder on a local machine
--toEOS: in case the copy is not from EOS to a local machine but from a local machine to EOS
--grepName name1,name2... : copy only a set of sub-dirs
--skipName name1.name2... : skip some sub-dirs


python scripts/files/copyAllDirectoriesEOS.py --inputDIR /store/group/upgrade/delphes/VBS_SS/Production-03-04-2016/SkimmedProduction-12-05-2016/ --outputDIR /home/rgerosa/test/ --grepName Axial,1000

To copy only files belonging to a single directory each time, please use:

  python scripts/files/copyFilesEOS.py <options>     

================================= Merge directories in a clever way

Once all the files are copied to a local machine, is a good thing to arrange them in common directories to run the last steps of the analysis. As example, if you have for Mono-jet Vector production 100 mass points, instead of keeping 100 directories, you can merge all the filter directories (sigfilter, zmmfilter..etc) into a common one. The output root file already reflects the name of the sample so there is no need of having indipendent directories (just the way in which crab is setup).

 python scripts/files/mergeDirectories.py <options>

Options: --inputDIR : mother directory that containes all the sub-directories that you wanna merge --outputDIR : name of the output common directory --grepName name1,name2... : merge only a set of sub-dirs --skipName name1.name2... : skip some sub-dirs

Example: python scripts/files/mergeDirectories.py --inputDIR /home/rgerosa/test/ --outputDIR /home/rgerosa/test/DMV_Axial/ --grepName Axial

================================= Merge ROOT files in a clever way

python scripts/files/mergeFile.py <options>


--inputDIR : directory that contains all the files to be merged
--outputName : name of the single root file created

======================================= Run Basic makeTemplate for the analysis

After the filter step, once all the files are copied to a local machine and correctly organized in directories, these are the useful codes to run the analysis:

  cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/macros/makeTemplates/

  macros/makeTemplates/histoUtils.h : used to define the binning of each 1D observables as std::vector<float>. In addtion there are function usefult to smooth empty bins, make the average of two histograms, fix shape uncertainties, fix empty bins for combine and generate evenvelope given a set of input histograms

  macros/makeTemplates/histoUtils2D.h: same thing for 2D histograms .. this time there are also function to perform rolling and un-rolling (useful for a 2D analysis)

  macros/makeTemplates/makehist.h: function that makes the loop on the events, apply selections and weights. Some external files are useful here and located in the AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/data directory. baseInputTreePath is a string which indicated the base directory where all the input root files are located.

  macros/makeTemplates/makeCorrHistograms.C : set of functions used to create Transfer factors and variations for the different control regions (also top regions in case needed)
  macros/makeTemplates/makeDataHistograms.C : set of functions used to select data and MC events belonging to Z->mm, Z->ee, W->mn, W->en, gamma+jets, SR, ttbar mu, ttbar e. 
  macros/makeTemplates/makeSignalHistograms.C: functions used to apply selections on signal samples -> one function for Higgs invisible vs mH, one function for DM analysis

  macros/makeTemplates/makeTemplates.C: main code to be run

  macros/makeTemplates/makeSignalTemplates.C: alternative code just to run on signal samples

To run: cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/macros; root -l; .L makeTemplates.C+; makeTemplates(....options ...);


  doCorrectionHistograms   : true when you want to prodce root files with Transfer Factors
  skipCorrectionHistograms : when true the codes tries to open root files with TFs and clone them in the template file used to create combine workspace
  category                 : it rules the analysis selection  0 means mono=jet inclusive, 1 means mono-jet exclusive, 2 means mono-V .. 3,4,5..etc are used to apply on some sub-structure cuts
  lumi                     : luminosity value in fb-1
  outDir                   : directory where TFs and template file will be created
  templateSuffix           : suffix to be added to the template file name
  observables              : different observebales to be considered when created templates {"met","jetPt","njet"} .. names are delcared in macros/histoUtils.h
  observables_2D           : 2D combinations {"met_ht","met_njet"} ... names are declared in macros/histoUtils2D.h
  applyQGLReweight         : if true re-weight QGL leading AK8 jet MC to data using pre-existing files in the data directory
  doShapeSystematics       : if true evaluate MET systematics (JEC, JER, unclustered) and b-tagging SF effects for each MC based process
  makeResonantSelection    : split ttbar in resonant and non resonant (substructure studies)
  typeOfDMSignal           : run only on some signal production mechanism .. 0 means both mono-j and mono-V, 1 is mono-j, 2 is mono-V  
  runHiggsInvisible        : run Higgs invisible analysis instead of DM one (when trye the value of typeOfDMSignal doesn't matter)
  runOnlySignal            : when true apply selections only on signal MC in SR
  runOnlyBackground        : generate templates for data and bkg processes in SR and CRs					 
  applyPostFitWeights      : when true post-fit met binned weights are applied to the event
  addTop                   : to run selections also for the top enriched control samples
  ext                      : additional string

To run signal templates analysis only:

   cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/macros/makeTemplates;
   root -l;
   .L makeSignalTemplates.C+;


category : it rules the analysis selection  0 means mono=jet inclusive, 1 means mono-jet exclusive, 2 means mono-V 
lumi     : luminosity value in fb-1
outDir   : output directory
templateSuffix  : suffix on root file with templates "outDir+"/templates_signal_"+interactionType+"_"+templateSuffix+".root"
observables     : 1D observables list to produce histograms
observables_2D  : 2D list to produce histograms
interactionType : string to indicate the type of interaction "Vector","Axial","Scalar","Pseudoscalar"
doShapeSystematics : perform template variations for sys uncertainty
typeOfDMSignal  : run only on some signal production mechanism .. 0 means both mono-j and mono-V, 1 is mono-j, 2 is mono-V
runHiggsInvisible : run Higgs invisible analysis instead of DM one (when trye the value of typeOfDMSignal doesn't matter)
ext             : additional string 

========================== Create Combine Worksapce

The code to create the workspace assumes that all the templates for CRs and SR (background, data and signal) are located in a common file. In case signal templates have been produced independently from background ones, you can just hadd the templates*.root file.

To run: make sure that the combine tool is properly installed in your CMSSW release

cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/macros/makeWorkspace/;
root -l;
.L createWorksapce.C;


inputName : template file with all the histograms and TFs needed to build the workspace for the Likelihood model
category  : same as in the makeTemplates .. used to retrive the right binning for the observable
outputName : name of the output root file with the workspaces
observable : 1D or 2D observable to be considered .. the code does a grep of a substring in the template file (2D are unrolled in 1D histo)
isHiggsInvisible : produce signal templates for higgs invisible analysis (qqH, ggH, wH, zH and ggZH) .. if not monoJ, monoW, monoZ
scaleQCD  : to scale the QCD background in the SR
connectWZ : to use the W/Z link for the signal region
connectTop : to link the top-enriched control sample .. not used in the baseline analysis and require to run the makeTemplate with addTop = True
addShapeSystematics : add shape systematics for MC bkg and signal 
mergeLeptons : to merge muon and electron control regions (useful as cross check)
isCombination : naming convention used in HIG-16-016
interaction : type of interaction in case of DM analysis
mediatorMass : mass of the higgs boson in case of Higgs invisible, mediator mass for DM analysis
DMMass : DM mass
isCutAndCount : set to true when you want to produce a workspace for a cut and count analysis
normalizeSignal: when doing a cut and count, you can decide to change the signal normalization to a reference value (typically 1 to extract model independent limit on the production cross section)
xAxisSelection: in case of 1D templates, limits to be considered for the cut and count -> should match bin limits of the tempalte.root histograms
yAxisSelection: to be set when performing a 2D analysis, i.e. a 1D un-rolled histograms derived from a 2D (y-axis range of integration for the cut and count)

There is an automatic script to produce all the workspace for all the signal mass points in one shot .. so that each worksapce can be use to run the limit since signal, data and backgroudn templates are there in each root file.

To run the automatic production:

   cd AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/;
   python scripts/makeWorkspace.py <options>


--inputDIR: working directory to be used .. typically the same directory in which the template file is located
--outputDIR: output directory where all the workspaces will be copied (typically a directory on afs in the work area)
--templateFile: name of the template file
--category : same meaning as before
--observable: observable to be considered
--batchMode: to use lxbatch as scheduler
--submit : to submit jobs
--jobDIR:  directory to put the job executable.. must be accessible from the job itself so typically a directory in afs
--queque: queque name on lxbatch
--interaction: to run workspaces for all the mass combination of a given interaction ("Vector","Scalar","Pseudoscalar","Axial")
--isCutAndCount: to produce a workspace for a cut and count analysis
--normalizeSignal: absolute normalization of the singla for a cut and count analysis
--xAxisSelection : x-axis extreme integration for cut and count
--yAxisSelection : y-axis extreme integration for cut and count

The script works in the following way:

  1. make a list of all the TKey in the template file
  2. try to recognize according to the template name the ones belonging to signal samples
  3. If isHiggsInvisible: make one list for each production mode ggH, qqH, wH, zH and ggZH and submit one job per mass point (only common mass points are considered)
  4. if not isHiggsInvisible: make a list of each production mode monoJ, monoW and monoZ for a given interaction and submit one job per mass point combination (mMED:mDM), only for common mass points.

=================== Datacards Templates

Datacards templates used for 2015 results (DM analysis, Higgs Invisible interpretation and combination) are available in the github area at this path: AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards. They are organized in different directories .. in particular:

  AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards/HiggsInvisible : datacards used for Higgs invisible analysis. You cand find two subdirectories, monoJ contains datacards for the monoJet channel, monoV for the monoV(Vhad) one.
  AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards/monoJet: datacards used for mono-jet channel DM results.
  AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards/monoJet/onlyMonoJ --> fermion only datacards, in which only mono-jet signal is considered
  AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards/monoJet/MonoJMonoV --> in the signal region, also contamintion from monoV(Vhad) signals is taken into account
  AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/cards/monoJet/CutAndCount --> example cards to be used for a model-independent cross section limit

  In each of the aforementioned directory, there are three sub-directories: noShapes means just lnN for b-tag and met systematics, Shapes means use a template morphing (shapeN2) for b-tagging, met sys (jes, jer and unclustered met) and bin-by-bin stat uncertainty for the signal has been added. Finally Top means datacards where two control regions are added (top-mu and top-el) to extract top background from data.

============================ Run combine jobs on lxbatch

Automatic script can be found in AnalysisCode/MonoXAnalysis/scripts/runCombine.py


--datacardDIR : directory where the datacard template to be used are located .. they are copied for each job into the job directory in order to substitute the dummy workspace name with the real one considered in the job
--workspaceDIR: directory where all the workspace for each mMED/mDM mass points are located
--jobDIR      : in case the script is run in batch mode, jobDIR is the mother directory where job configuration files are located (as well as datacards and workspaces)
--category    : as usual, == 0 is monoV+monoJet combination, == 1 is mono-jet exclusive, == 2 is monoV(had)
--interaction : string to indicate "Vector", "Axial", "Scalar","PseudoScalar"
--dmMass      : mDM value
--medMass     : mediator mass
--batchMode   : to allow lxbtach submission mode
--queque      : queque on lxbatch to be used when submitting jobs
--submit      : to submit jobs
--ntoys       : number of toys to be run 
--submitOneJobPerToy : one toy == one job .. in particular can be useful when doing bias studies to speed up
--expectSignal  : inject a signal strenght in the toy
--toyGeneration : type of toy --> 0 mean frequentist toy (post-fit nuisances from data), 1 means stat only toy a-priori, 2 means a-priori stat+sys toys
--crossedToys   : means to use the dataset generated by another toy, probably produced by an alternative model (for un-binned analysis)
--inputGeneratedDataset : generated dataset to be used in the fit/limit/significance computation are stored in a different directory
--Asymptotic    : run Asymptotic limit evaluation
--runBlind      : to run blind limit (from pre-fit background estimate)
--runExpected   : to run just expected limit evaluation
--generateOnly  : use the toy generator in combine to produce a pseudo-data genaration	
--MaxLikelihoodFit : max likelihood s+b and b-only fit in combine
--MultiDimFit   : multi-dimensional fit in combine
--rMin          : min r-value bound
--rMax          : max r-value bound
--ProfileLikelihood : to be used for significance and p-value computation
--pvalue        : compute p-value instead of significance
--makeLikelihoodScan : use MultiDimFit for a Likelihood scan		
--outputDIR     : output directory where the .root file from combine are located. One root file per job, i.e. one file per mass point. Inside the limit tree the mH branch is fixed to re-flect the mass point, using the following convention: (Vector = 1, Axial = 2, Scalar = 3, PseudoScalar = 4, Higgs Invisible = 5), medMass (4digits), dmMass (4digits). The output dir is created as a subdirectory of the workspaceDIR
--calculateStatOnly: calculate stat only limits or significance (to be used together with --ProfileLikelihood and --Asymptotic) .. this cannot be done with -S 0 with RooParametric hists
--inputSnapShotDIR: directory where snapshot fit file from multiDIM fit are stored