This repository provides a starting setup for using our EIC event generators. It also provides example generator-level analysis code, as well as example fast smearing code.
Start by reading this document.
If you are working on the Singularity container or Virtual Box, do the following:
First clone this repository.
Then run the following command to enter the singularity container environment:
./ (Virtual Box)
singularity shell -B /cvmfs:/cvmfs /cvmfs/ (Singularity install option 1)
singularity shell -B cvmfs:/cvmfs cvmfs/ (Singularity install option 2)
Once in the container, setup the EIC environment.
cd eicGenTutorials
To run BeAGLE, do the following in addition:
cd beagle
N.B. The above links for the Singularity container and Virtual Box instruct the user to source the Fun4All environment after entering the container (e.g. running source right after entering the container in the Virtual Box). You should not do this if you want to run the above generators and eic-smear only. Just source the script as described above.
If you are working on the SDCC (RCF), simply do the following to setup the environment:
source (or SDCC_setup.csh if on C shell)
To run BeAGLE, do the following in addition:
cd beagle
source (or beagle_setup.csh if on C shell)