=== Paid Memberships Pro - Member Directory Add On === Contributors: strangerstudios Tags: pmpro, paid memberships pro, members, directory Requires at least: 4 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: .6.1 Add a robust Member Directory and Profiles to Your Membership Site - with attributes to customize the display. == Description == The Member Directory Add On enhances your membership site with a public or private, searchable directory and member profiles. This plugin creates 2 shortcodes for a Member Directory and Member Profile pages, which can be defined in Memberships > Page Settings of the WordPress admin. Shortcode attributes for `[pmpro_member_directory]` include: 1. avatar_size: The square pixel dimensions of the avatar to display. Requires the "show_avatar" attribute to be set to 'true'. default: '128' (accepts any numerical value). 1. fields: Display additional user meta fields. default: none (accepts a list of label names and field IDs, i.e. fields="Company,company;Website,user_url"). 1. layout: The format of the directory. default: div (accepts 'table', 'div', '2col', '3col', and '4col'). 1. levels: The level ID or a comma-separated list of level IDs to include in the directory. default: all levels (accepts a single level ID or a comma-separated list of IDs). 1. limit: the number of members to display per page 1. link: Optionally link the member directory item to the single member profile page. default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. order: Sort the results based on the order_by attribute in ascending or descending order. default: ASC (accepts 'DESC' or 'ASC'). 1. order_by: The sort order for the results. default: 'u.display_name' (accepts 'u.user_email', 'u.user_email', 'u.display_name', 'u.user_login', 'u.user_registered', 'mu.membership_id', 'mu.startdate', 'joindate') 1. show_avatar: Display the user's avatar generated via Gravatar (https://en.gravatar.com) or user-submitted using a plugin like Simple Local Avatars (https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-local-avatars/); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_email: Display the user's email address; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_level: Display the user's membership level; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_search: Display a search form (searches on member display name or email address); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_startdate: Display the user's membership start date for their current level; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). Shortcode attributes for `[pmpro_member_profile]` include: 1. avatar_size: The square pixel dimensions of the avatar to display. Requires the "show_avatar" attribute to be set to 'true'. default: '128' (accepts any numerical value). 1. fields: Display additional user meta fields. default: none (accepts a list of label names and field IDs, i.e. fields="Company,company;Website,user_url"). 1. show_avatar: Display the user's avatar generated via Gravatar (https://en.gravatar.com) or user-submitted using a plugin like Simple Local Avatars (https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-local-avatars/); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_bio: Display the user's bio (if available); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_billing: Display the user's billing address (if available); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_email: Display the user's email address; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_level: Display the user's membership level; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_phone: Display the user's billing phone (if available); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_search: Display a search form (searches on member display name or email address); default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. show_startdate: Display the user's membership start date for their current level; default: true (accepts 'true' or 'false'). 1. user_id: Show a specific member's profile; default: none (accepts any numeric uesr id, i.e. user_id="125"). == Installation == 1. Upload the `pmpro-member-directory` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your site. 1. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. 1. Create a page for your directory and set the appropriate shortcode attributes and `Require Membership` settings per your needs. 1. Create a page for your profile and set the appropriate shortcode attributes and `Require Membership` settings per your needs. 1. Navigate to Memberships > Page Settings to assign your pages to the Directory and Profile page settings. == Examples == Show only level IDs 1 and 4, hide avatars and email address: [pmpro_member_directory levels="1,4" show_avatar="false" show_email="false"] Show all level IDs, hide level name and start date: [pmpro_member_directory show_level="false" show_startdate="false"] Show a unique member directory by level. Level 1 Members can only see other Level 1 Members...: [membership level="1"] [pmpro_member_directory levels="1"] [/membership] [membership level="2"] [pmpro_member_directory levels="2"] [/membership] [membership level="3"] [pmpro_member_directory levels="3"] [/membership] Show unique member profiles based on level - hide user phone number and email address. [membership level="1"] [pmpro_member_profile show_email="false" show_phone="false"] [/membership] [membership level="2"] [pmpro_member_profile show_email="true" show_phone="true"] [/membership] == Frequently Asked Questions == = I found a bug in the plugin. = Please post it in the issues section of GitHub and we'll fix it as soon as we can. Thanks for helping. https://github.com/strangerstudios/pmpro-member-directory/issues = I need help installing, configuring, or customizing the plugin. = Please visit our premium support site at http://www.paidmembershipspro.com for more documentation and our support forums. == Changelog == = .6.1 = * BUG FIX: Levels select in block not returning any results. * BUG FIX: Custom fields from Register Helper not working when multiple fields are set in the shortcode method. * BUG FIX: Remove "Levels" attribute from profile block method as profile shortcode does not support this attribute. Set the 'Require Membership' meta box to restrict access to profile pages. = .6 = * BUG FIX: Show default "Hide From Directory" if no directory page is set. * BUG FIX: Strip trailing semi-colon from "fields" attribute. * BUG FIX: Redirect non-member profiles back to the directory page. * ENHANCEMENT: Directory and Profile page now makes use of CSS grid. * ENHANCEMENT: Filter added for 'view profile' link on directory ("pmpromd_profile_url"). * ENHANCEMENT: Improve SQL for directory page. This is now broken into sections making it easier to adjust the query. New filter added for this ("pmpro_member_directory_sql_parts"). * ENHANCEMENT: Support Approvals Add On. Redirect non-approved member profiles back to the directory page. * FEATURE: Support the new WordPress Block Editor for both the directory and profile page. Please note custom page templates need to be updated for this to work with the block editor. = .5.3 = * BUG FIX: Changed how column layouts are determined, fixing issues with column shortcodes not working properly = .5.2 = * BUG FIX: Removed extra ob_start() in templates/directory.php, which was causing issues sometimes. = .5.1 = * BUG/ENHANCEMENT: Improved meta_field code for PHP7 support. = .5 = * BUG: Fixed bug with the fields attribute of the directory shortcode. * ENHANCEMENT: Added localization support and French translation. (Thanks, Max Kovalenkov) = .4.4 = * ENHANCEMENT: Added the pmpro_member_directory_sql filter (passes $sqlQuery, $levels, $s, $pn, $limit, $start, $end) that can be used to filter the SQL used to lookup members for the directory page. = .4.3 = * BUG: Fixed bug where the Address 1 text was appearing under Address 2 on profiles. = .4.2 = * BUG/ENHANCEMENT: Now passing ?pu={user_nicename} in the profile link. The profile page will accept a numerical ID or alphanumerical nicename/slug to lookup the user. = .4.1 = * ENHANCEMENT: Added sorting by first_name and last_name. * ENHANCEMENT: Now checking for Register Helper labels for arrays of custom fields on the profile and directory templates. * BUG: Fixed broken profile links on directory page for certain usernames. = .4 = * Added pmpro_member_profile_fields filter to set or override fields available on the profile pages. = .3.1 = * BUG: Fixed css declaration that was affecting elements outside of the pmpro_member_directory div/table * ENHANCEMENT: Added ability to load the theme's (child or parent) custom pmpro-member-directory.css in place of default = .3 = * FEATURE: Added [pmpro_member_profile] shortcode * ENHANCEMENT: Added additional attributes to the [pmpro_member_directory] * ENHANCEMENT: Added ability to define Directory and Profile page under Memberships > Pge Settings * ENHANCEMENT: Added user option to hide profile from diretory. = .2 = * SECURITY: Protecting against SQL injections and XSS on the directory search form/etc. * ENHANCEMENT: Added pagination to the directory page with a 15 members per page limit. You can override the limit by setting a limit parameter on the shortcode or by passing &limit=... to the URL. = .1 = * Initial commit.
Add a Simple Member Directory to Your Site with Paid Memberships Pro