
YaffCMS is a crazily small, stupidly fast flat file content management system.

Primary LanguagePHP


YaffCMS (yet another flat file CMS) is a crazily small, stupidly fast flat file content management system.


###Creating Pages

Each .md file within the 'content' directory is treated as a seperate page. If, for example, your website is located at http://example.com, pages/products.md can be accessed at http://example.com/products and pages/index.md can be accessed at http://example.com. URLs can be extended by creating subfolders, e.g. pages/category/product.md can be accessed at http://example.com/category/product.

A list of examples is shown below:

  • pages/index.md --> http://example.com
  • pages/page.md --> http://example.com/page
  • pages/sub/index.md --> http://example.com/sub (same as above)
  • pages/sub/page.md --> http://example.com/sub/page
  • pages/a/stupid/amount.md --> http://example.com/a/stupid/amount

If a file cannot be found, pages/404.md is displayed.

###Page Markup

All .md files are marked up using Markdown and therefore can also contain HTML.

Meta can be applied to each page by adding a block comment at the top of the .md file. A 'Page Title' can be added to add the name of the page in the browser's title bar, and 'Page Template' can be used to determine a specific theme file to use. An example of a page's meta is shown below:

Page Title: Example page
Page Template: fullwidth

These values are added to the $y array (detailed below) and can be accessed from within the .php and .md files.


The $y variable is an array of values used throughout YaffCMS. These values can be used within any theme file. A selection of available values are shown below:

  • $y['site_title'] - The title of your installation.
  • $y['base_url'] - The URL of your installation.
  • $y['theme'] - The name (slug) of the current theme.
  • $y['theme_url'] - The URL of the current theme.
  • $y['page_title'] - The current page's title.
  • $y['page_template'] - The current page's template.
  • $y['page_content'] - The current page's content.

Custom values can be added in the settings.php file in the root directory of your installation.

All of these values (except for 'page_content') can be accessed from within any .md file; just enclose the name of the value within '%' symbols, e.g. if you would like to access $y['page_title'], %page_title% must be used. This same syntax can be used with any custom values.


A simple theming system is used to style pages in YaffCMS. The minimum requirements of a theme is to contain just one file, default.php (the default page template).

Page templates can be easily added to a theme by creating a new .php file. If a new file called product.php is added, the 'Page Template' meta value (within a .md file) will need to have the value of product to be used.