
TodoMVC backend using gcloud-node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


TodoMVC backend using gcloud-node.

Build Status


  1. Create a new cloud project on console.developers.google.com

  2. Enable the Google Cloud Datastore API

  3. Create a new service account and copy the JSON credentials to key.json

  4. Export your project id:

    $ export PROJECT_ID=<project id>



# Set your default Dataset

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Start the server
$ npm start


# Check that Docker is running
$ boot2docker up
$ $(boot2docker shellinit)

# Build your Docker image
$ docker build -t app .

# Start a new Docker container
$ docker run -e DATASET_ID=$PROJECT_ID -p 8080:8080 app

# Test the app
$ curl -X GET http://$(boot2docker ip):8080

Managed VMs

# Get gcloud
$ curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash

# Authorize gcloud and set your default project
$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

# Get App Engine component
$ gcloud components update app

# Check that Docker is running
$ boot2docker up

# Download the Node.js Docker image
$ docker pull google/nodejs-runtime

# Run the app locally
$ gcloud preview app run .
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080

# Deploy the app to production
$ gcloud preview app deploy .
$ curl -X GET http://$PROJECT_ID.appspot.com
