Pinned Repositories
Angular's Prime Directive
Plugin for webpack to teach it angular.js modules
A JSON parser and validator with a CLI.
a javascript event system that works with any object, DOM or otherwise. Made for Hypertag, it can be used on it's own.
Mod Python Servlets - an easy & stripped down web-hosting framework for REST. It differs from django by using the module namespace to resolve URLS instead of regexs, and by including other modules. Django is better, but this was made before it
Nametag is the framework behind the projects available at Nametag is Object Oriented HTML.
a python clone of OpenLaszlo, interpretted. Supports OpenGL and others experimentally. It reads in an XML "program" and creates the equivalent structure in python, in memory, for execution
The Viewable framework is a set of tools for application development in OpenLaszlo, adding concepts and classes that ease large development of large projects. It includes a library of very useful classes that could culminate in an entire filesystem clone (finder/explorer clone) in the browser
An update of the pyroglyph project that seeks to create a compile-time version of Pyroglyph's run-time. It does this by emitting a *complete* python program to run encompassing the view hierarchy as opposed to the original interpreter that constructed the same in memory.
"xc" stands for XML-Compiler,which used to be called Blooms. It's a unique whitespace-based XML variant which embeds python to create complex XML generation macros sort of like but much more powerful then other XML templating languages. It outputs anything from HTML to Laszlo to RSS, etc. It will be updated to work with Django shortly!
circlecycle's Repositories
A JSON parser and validator with a CLI.
Mod Python Servlets - an easy & stripped down web-hosting framework for REST. It differs from django by using the module namespace to resolve URLS instead of regexs, and by including other modules. Django is better, but this was made before it
a python clone of OpenLaszlo, interpretted. Supports OpenGL and others experimentally. It reads in an XML "program" and creates the equivalent structure in python, in memory, for execution
The Viewable framework is a set of tools for application development in OpenLaszlo, adding concepts and classes that ease large development of large projects. It includes a library of very useful classes that could culminate in an entire filesystem clone (finder/explorer clone) in the browser
An update of the pyroglyph project that seeks to create a compile-time version of Pyroglyph's run-time. It does this by emitting a *complete* python program to run encompassing the view hierarchy as opposed to the original interpreter that constructed the same in memory.
"xc" stands for XML-Compiler,which used to be called Blooms. It's a unique whitespace-based XML variant which embeds python to create complex XML generation macros sort of like but much more powerful then other XML templating languages. It outputs anything from HTML to Laszlo to RSS, etc. It will be updated to work with Django shortly!
Angular's Prime Directive
Plugin for webpack to teach it angular.js modules
a javascript event system that works with any object, DOM or otherwise. Made for Hypertag, it can be used on it's own.
Nametag is the framework behind the projects available at Nametag is Object Oriented HTML.
PYTable (just Table, really) is a wonderfully compact interface (utilizing psycopg2),that makes using postgres (for simple queries) a pure-python proposition.
SHML (shorthand markup language)
showing how webpack integrates front-end frameworks