
Networking information and cheatsheets.

Networking Cheat

Networking information and cheatsheets.

Includes both protocols and utilities. Almost all OS specifics currently only discuss Linux. Additions of info for other OSs are welcome.

  1. Standards
  2. Protocols
    1. Physical layer
    2. Data link layer
      1. ARP
      2. Ethernet
      3. Cellular networks
    3. Transport layer
      1. TCP
        1. Port
    4. Internet layer
      1. IP
        1. traceroute
        2. route
    5. Application layer
      1. DNS
      2. DHPC
      3. Hostname
      4. HTTP
      5. Proxy server
      6. REST
      7. SMTP
      8. TLS
      9. URL
      10. Media protocols
  3. Tools
    1. cURL
    2. dig
    3. ifconfig
    4. iptables
    5. nmap
    6. Netcat
    7. netstat
    8. network-manager
    9. OpenSSL
    10. ping
    11. ssh
    12. wget
    13. Tor
  4. Servers
    1. Apache
    2. Nginx
    3. Squid
  5. Sniffers
    1. TShark
    2. tcpdump
    3. tcpflow
    4. Wireshark
  6. Hardware
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Bibliography


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MC-LAG, done by Arista.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-cost_multi-path_routing http://ethancbanks.com/2014/04/10/the-ethernet-switching-landscape-part-05-equal-cost-multipath-ecmp/