
A C++ wrapper for a TCP/UDP server and client

Primary LanguageC++


A simple C++ wrapper around the TCP and UDP send/receive functionality in C.

Written and developed by Justine Probst [github] and Alexander Isenko [github] in the Formula Student Season 2018 for the municHMotorsport club.

If you see this on github - this is only a mirror of our internal repository, made public to allow recruits to easily clone it if they don't have any access yet.


$ git clone git@gitlab.munichmotorsport.de:FSD/Connector.git 
$ mkdir build  
$ cd build  
$ cmake ..  
$ make  
$ sudo make install


If you want to use this library after the global installation add this line to your root CMakeLists.txt file:

    find_package(connector 1.0 REQUIRED)

If you link against this library, add connector to target_link_libraries, e.g:

    target_link_libraries(${your-awesome-file} ${your-awesome-library} connector )

Example usage can be found in tests directory. This is a very simple PING / PONG server/client example:

#include <thread> // std::this_thread::sleep_for

#include <connector-1.0/server.h>
#include <connector-1.0/client.h>
#include <connector-1.0/autogen-CONNECTOR-macros.h>

int main()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    const int receive_port = 4444;
    const int send_port    = 4445;
    const std::string ip ( "" );
    connector::server< connector::UDP > receiver( receive_port );
    connector::client< connector::UDP > sender( send_port, ip );

    uint32_t ping = 1;
    uint32_t pong = 2;
    uint32_t received = 0;

    // initial pong
    sender.send_udp< uint32_t >( ping );

    while( true )
        receiver.receive_udp< uint32_t >( received );
        if ( received == pong )
            DEBUG_MSG_CONNECTOR(" Got PONG -> Sending PING\n");
            sender.send_udp< uint32_t >( ping );


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  • HTML
  • To generate it by yourselves - doxygen doxygen.config in the source directory


The send_udp(), send_tcp(), receive_udp() and receive_tcp() functions are overloaded, so you can set the buffer size yourself (e.g. when doing pointer magic):

  void send_udp(U & object_to_send, const size_t buffer) const {}
  void send_tcp(U & object_to_send, const size_t buffer) const {}

  void receive_udp(U & object_to_receive, const size_t buffer) {}
  void receive_tcp(U & object_to_receive, const size_t buffer) const {}