Fedora 33 Ansible Test Image
Fedora 33 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
How to Build
If you need to build the image on your own locally, do the following:
- Install Docker.
into this directory.- Run
docker build -t docker-fedora33-ansible .
How to Use
- Install Docker.
- Pull this image from Docker Hub:
docker pull cisagov/docker-fedora33-ansible:latest
(or use the image you built earlier). - Run a container from the image:
docker run --detach --privileged --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro cisagov/docker-fedora33-ansible:latest
. - Use Ansible inside the container:
docker exec --tty [container_id] env TERM=xterm ansible --version
b.docker exec --tty [container_id] env TERM=xterm ansible-playbook /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml --syntax-check
Author Information
Shane Frasier - jeremy.frasier@trio.dhs.gov
Heavily based on geerlingguy/docker-fedora32-ansible by Jeff Geerling AKA @geerlingguy.