Graphics related

  • OpenGL (the GLUT Utility libraries are also being used)
    • 01_fractals_barnsley-fern: Sierpinski fractals based on hexagon and pentagon, Barnsley fern, menus/submenus.
    • 02_transformations_rotating_cube: self-rotating cube, modelling transformations.
    • 03_lighting_and_projections: lighting and materials, viewing transformations.
    • 04_curves: draw cubic, Hermitte and Bezier curves with different options(degree,C0 adn C1 continuity among multiple curves)
    • 05_hierarchical_human_model: drawing of a hierarchical human-like model which is able to execute particular movements with forward kinematics calculation of motion.

  • Image Processing[C/C++,OpenCV]:
    • median filter to remove gaussian noise
    • edge detection
    • image segmentation with region splitting and adaptive thresholding
    • object counting via grassfire algorithm.