
project-assignment-11-12 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava


Team Members: Celeste Lemus, Hannah Bridge, Brendan Azueta, Ken Chan, Anna Bortle Project Description: Making two educational mini games for 3rd graders about Bird Migration. first game consists of the Osprey bird (Migratory) that flys to its migration country, the goal of the game is to catch fish from below to gain more energy to fly. Player will drop down into the ocean to receive fish. Watch out for seaweed becuase that can hurt you energy bar. The 2nd game consists of the Clapper Rail (nonmigratory). The goal is to grab ideal food from 1 of the 8 pockets that food will appear and disappear from. If you catch food, you recieve an egg to your score. But if you catch trash, you lose and egg. Finally, a fox will appear ever so often throughout the game to ask a question about nonmigratory birds. If you get the question right, double eggs gained.