
Bluefin is an application I built with inspiration from a company I worked for, Redfin. It is an application for rental property owners and renters. I want to streamline the rental process from finding a property to rent, applying, making rent payments, requesting fixes, etc. I also want to make it a rental property management tool for rental property owners.

This application was built with React, Redux for global state management, a Ruby on Rails API, and Mapbox API.

Renter dashboard:

View all available homes: You can view homes and toggle between map/card views.


Apply for a lease: Select a property and choose to submit an application.


View your applications: See all your submitted applications and their statuses as pending/accepted/denied.


View your lease: You can view your lease information and ability to make fix request with pictures as well as pay rent.


Rental property owner dashboard:

View your leased and unleased properties: Get a quick view of which properties are leased.

View lease: Select a home and view the lease information, including previous rent paymenets and fix requests.

View Applications: View all the lease applications on your properties and accept/deny them.


Add a home: Upload a photo and property information to have home appear for renters on Map.

You can view a demo here: