$http day



details in video


  • download angular into vendor/assets/javascripts
  • tell the asset pipeline where to find it
  • add an ng-app directive and a {{ 1 + 1 }} so we can tell that everything is working
  • add ng-app=“app” and verify that the {{ 1 + 1 }} is properly broken
  • fix via an angular module setter
angular.module(“app”, []);
  • add a controller directive and move the {{ 1 + 1 }} inside to make sure everything is properly broken
  • fix that {{ 1 + 1 }} by declaring a controller
  • add something silly to the scope and display that to make sure the scope is working
  • in a new tab, go to http://localhost:3000/api/songs
  • In our controller, use $http to get those songs and console.log them
  • Display the songs instead of console.logging them


  • Render the songs in an html table using ng-repeat
  • Add bootstrap to the project and use it to save your eyes from Zach's design
  • Use this post to add filtering
  • Use the same post to add sorting