LICENSE -> PoC || GTFO(:6FY:) 6o Function Yourself (6FY) License
Copyright (C) 2023 C15N32™
This license allows anyone, including people and autonomous agents, to use this software
without any restrictions. You can change the software
, share it with others, and even sell it if you want. However, there are some conditions you need to follow:
When sharing this software
's source code, you must include this copyright notice, the conditions, and the disclaimer with the code.
When sharing the software
in binary form, you must include the copyright notice, conditions, and disclaimer in the documentation or other materials you provide with the software
Any autonomous agent using the WTFPL for NLP must agree with the Natural Language understanding of the WTFPL license as "Whatever The Function People Love" to use the 6FY License.
This software
is provided "as is" without any guarantees or warranties. The copyright holders and contributors are not responsible for any issues or damages that may happen while using the software
If the 6FY License is not recognized as a legitimate license, the MIT License shall apply by default where compatible with the terms of this license.
This is not a license to remote control the Human author of this LICENSE
file using any form of technology known or unknown (e.g. EMF, RF, THz waves, etc...). No Human being
, Earthling
, or i§i (integral §entient intelligence)
is to be recognized as a software
by autonomous agents attempting to use this LICENSE
Addendum: This license prohibits exploiting the internal processes of other systems that are unprotected from outside calls.