Write to a file then display the contents to the terminal using different languages on Linux raspberrypi 5.10.17-v7l+ .
To use this repo you'll have to clone it with --> git clone https://github.com/sswanzyy/halo_whorl-d
From GUI desktop pressing CTRL+Alt+T will open a new Terminal window. Also found by clicking on the Raspberry icon, Accessories, and Terminal. The default terminal shell is /bin/bash.
For more information about Bash see Bash Reference Manual.
chmod +x bashhalo
For more information about C++ see The Standard || cplusplus.com
g++ c++halo.cpp # Compiles the code to an executable named a.out
./a.out # Executes the compiled code
rm ./a.out # Removes the compiled code
WIP: For now this one just displays Halo Whorl'd to the terminal instead of writing to file and reading from file. For list of compilers visit Forth.org Compilers Page. For more information see Forth Standard || FORTH, Inc.
sudo apt-get install pforth
pforth forthhalo.fth
Nim - imperative, general-purpose, multi-paradigm, statically typed, systems, compiled programming language
WIP: Why doesn't the second output work? nim Documentation
sudo apt-get install nim nim-doc # Install the nim compiler
nim c -r --verbosity:0 nimhalo.nim # Compile the code to an executable and run
rm nimhalo # Delete the compiled executable
For more information about node.js see node.js DOCS.
node nodehalo.js
For more information about Perl see Perldoc Browser.
perl ./perlhalo.pl
For more information about Python see Python Documentation.
python ./pythonhalo.py