_____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____
/ ___/ / _ \ / _ \ / _\ / _ \ / _ \ / ___/
(__ ) / __/ / /_/ // / / __/ / /_/ / (__ )
/____/ \____\ \__ / \_/ \____\ \_ / /____/
___/ / ___/ /
\___/ \___/
Segment regions (from PageXML-formatted files) into seperate image files.
segregs [Options] XML IMG OUT
-lines segment line regions
-padding int set padding for region image snippets
-workers int set number of worker threads (default #cpus)
Segment the the regions from XML and IMG and write the resulting image
files to OUT/REGID.png
. The resulting json file is written to
and the text file is written to OUT/REGID.gt.txt
If -lines
is given, each image line snippet is written to
and its text is written to OUT/LINENUM.gt.txt
instead. The -padding
option sets the number of padding pixels
around the written image snippets, the -workers
sets the number of
concurrent workers.
To install just type go get github.com/cisocrgroup/segregs