
Site Policy Repository

Primary LanguagePython


In this repository, you can find the toolchain that we want to make available alongside our paper "Reining in the Web's Inconsistencies with Site Policy".
It hosts the code for SPEnforcer, SPCollector, SPAggregator and SPAnalyzer as described throughout section 6.


You can install all dependencies in via:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


In order to test SPEnforcer, you can load the Chrome Extension into your Chrome and interact with the popup.
SPEnforcer has a default policy loaded for the site sptest.com which can be used alongside the Django TestApp.
To setup this TestApp you need to add an entry to your /etc/hosts file such that sptest.com points to
After setting up this local DNS entry you can start the Django in TestApp/ via:
python3 manage.py runserver
Then you can visit http://sptest.com:8000/foo and http://sptest.com:8000/bar respectively.
You should be able to see that there is already a policy loaded for testing purposes when interacting with the popup.
In TestApp/SPTest/views.py you can see which cookie properties are set and comments indicate to which security level they should be upgraded according to the policy that is already loaded into the extension, which you can find at SPEnforcer/background.js.
You can verify that SPEnforcer upgraded these attributes by investigating the Network tab in the Devtools bar and checking the individual headers in the HTTP response.


SPCollector is bundled together with SPEnforcer and can be enabled via a boolean switch in SPEnforcer/background.js.
Once enabled it will send all collected headers to SPAggregator.


SPAggregator is implemented as a minimal Flask server which can be started in SPAggregator/ using:

python3 SPAggregator.py

Once running, it will collect all observed URLs and relevant headers in a temporary sqlite database. Retrieving the compiled manifest is possible through a POST request to /get_manifest, sending the site in a JSON object like {"site": "site.com"}. This returns both the generated manifest as well as the URL mapping.


SPAnalyzer can be used as a command-line utility in SPAnalyzer/ via:

python3 SPAnalyzer.py --input <path_to_site_policy_file>

We provide some example manifest files in example_manifest/.
The final output of the tool will provide an overview about the issues outlined in Section 6.C. Furthermore, it provides conditions under which inconsistencies will arise, by pairwise comparison of the policies.