This code is a part of my doctoral research at PPG-CC/DC/UFSCar. HPML-J is the name of the first experiment carried out: Hybrid Partitions for Multi-Label Classification with index Jaccard.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This code is part of my doctoral research at PPG-CC/DC/UFSCar. HPML-J is the name of the first experiment carried out: Hybrid Partitions for Multi-Label Classification with index Jaccard. Important, this code will execute on Windows and Linux.


E. C. Gatto, M. Ferrandin and R. Cerri,Exploring Label Correlations for Partitioning the Label Space in Multi-label Classification, 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Shenzhen, China, 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN52387.2021.9533331.


Recent works on Multi-Label Classification (MLC) present multiple strategies to explore label correlations, in a way to improve classifiers' performances. However, these works focus only on the traditional local and global approaches, i.e., transforming the original problem into a set of binary local problems, or dealing globally with all classes simultaneously. Very few works have investigated strategies to use label correlations to partition the label space differently. While in local partitions several binary classifiers are used (one per label), global partitions use only one classifier to deal with all labels. On the contrary, here we propose a strategy that explores the correlations between labels to partition the label space aiming to find partitions in-between (hybrid) local and global ones. We believe in-between local and global partitions better cluster similar labels, improving the multi-label classifiers' ability to explore label correlations. We compared the hybrid partitions with global, local, and random generated partitions. Our experimental results showed that the hybrid partitions lead to competitive results and, in general, were slightly better than global and local partitions. The random partitions were also competitive with the global and local partitions, showing that the current local and global approaches still need improvements to consider label correlations.

Multi-Label Datasets

You can download the multi-label datasets at this link: https://cometa.ujaen.es/datasets/


This source code consists of an R project for R Studio and the following R scripts:

  1. libraries.R
  2. utils.R
  3. preprocessing.R
  4. miscellaneous.R
  5. correlations.R
  6. partitions.R
  7. clusValidation.R
  8. clusHybrid.R
  9. clusGlobal.R
  10. clusLocal.R
  11. clusRandom_1.R
  12. clusRandom_2.R
  13. clusRandom_3.R
  14. run.R
  15. hpmlj.R


Confirms if the folder UTILS contains the following files: Clus.jar, R_csv_2_arff.jar, and weka.jar. Without these jars, the code not runs. Also, confirms if there are a folder lib in the folder UTILS. This folder is also needed.

Datasets Folder

After downloading the dataset you want to use, place it in the /HPML-J/Datasets/Originals folder. Don't forget that the .xml and .arff files of the respective dataset are needed.

Folder Path

Place a copy of this code in "C:/Users/[username]/HPML-J" or "/home/username/HPML-J". Our files are configured to obtain the paths of the folders from these paths. You can change this in the code if you want.

File "datasets.csv"

A file called datasets.csv must be in the datasets folder. This file is used to read information about the datasets and they are used in the code. All information about the 74 datasets available in cometa are in this file. If you want to use another dataset, please, add the following information about the dataset in the file:

_Id, Name, Domain, Labels, Instances, Attributes, Inputs, Labelsets, Single, Max freq, Card, Dens, MeanIR, Scumble, TCS, AttStart, AttEnd, LabelStart, LabelEnd

The "Id" of the dataset is a mandatory parameter (n_dataset) in the command line to run all code. The LabelStart and LabelEnd are used in a lot of internal functions and they refer to the start and end of the label space. Please, make sure that this information is available before running the code.

NOTE: Please, pay attention to the names in the datasets.csv and the names in the ARFF/XML/CSV files. They must be the same, on the contrary, an error may occur.

Folder Strucutre

Software Requirements

This code was develop in R Studio Version 1.3.959 © 2009-2020, PBC, "Middlemist Red" (3a09be39, 2020-05-18) for Windows. The R language version was 4.0.1 (2020-06-06) with x86_64-w64-mingw32 platform. Please make sure all the dependencies are installed (verify libraries.R). This code does not provide an installation of R packages.

Hardware Requirements

This code may or may not be executed in parallel, however, it is highly recommended that you run it in parallel. The number of cores can be configured via the command line (number_cores). If number_cores = 1 the code will run sequentially. In our experiments, we used ten cores. For reproducibility, we recommend that you also use ten cores.

Important: we used the CLUS classifier in this experiment. This implies generating all physical ARFF training, validating, and testing files for each of the generated hybrid partitions. Our code generates the partitions first in memory and then saves them to the HD. However, to avoid memory problems, immediately after saving to HD, the files are validated (or tested) and then deleted. Even so, make sure you have enough space on your HD and enough RAM for this procedure.


To run the code, open the terminal, enter the /HPML-J/scripts/ folder, and type

Rscript hpmlj.R [number_dataset] [number_cores] [number_folds]


number_dataset is the dataset number in the datasets.csv file

number_cores is the total cores you want to use in parallel execution.

number_folds is the number of folds you want for cross-validation

All parameters are mandatory. Example:

Rscript hpmlj.R 17 5 10

Saved Results

This code saves some important results in csv files.

Paper Results

The results obtained for the paper can be found in the folder ResultsPaper. In this folder are the spreadsheets with the results for all the evaluation measures, as well as the files needed for the statistical tests of Friedman and Nemenyi. The graphics are also in this folder.


  • This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
  • This study was financed in part by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Brasil (CNPQ) - Process number 200371/2022-3.
  • The authors also thank the Brazilian research agencies FAPESP financial support.




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