
.. image:: :target:

Files of the project:

  • Decision speadsheet: list of papers considered for inclusion, the inclusion criteria, and the authors contacted.

  • PRISMA flowchart: schema of the literature review process.

  • MA_speech_pref_data: data spreadsheet were all the data from each paper was coded. The codebook tab describes what should be coded in each cell.

  • MA_speech_pref_data_second_coding: similar file for the subset of papers independently coded by the second coder.

  • coding: figures used by the second coder to retrieve number not reported in the text of the coded paper.

  • coding instructions: instructions not present in the code book tab of the data spreadsheet.

  • Notes: laboratory notebook for the project (day to day decisions, discussions, questions...).

  • data_completion: r code that computes the individual effect sizes from the data spreadsheet.

  • compute_es: function called by data_completion.

  • MA_speech_pref.Rmd: code of the meta-analysis, and text of the paper.

  • MA_speech_pref.pdf: file produced by the above Rmd file. Manuscript following the APA format for submission.

  • Paper: manuscript of the paper.

  • PRISMA checklist: criteria that the paper should fit.

  • figures_intro: figures displayed in the intro of the paper. One slide per figure.

  • figure results: figure displaying the results of the meta-analysis, with a pannel for each moderator.