Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains updated NIRS data analysis scripts.

The following script and functions work together (written by Cécile Issard):

  • AnalysisNIRS: general preprocessing pipeline calling the following functions.
  • NIRS_loadNIRxdata: function that loads data files produced by a NIRx NIRScout machine.
  • NIRS_baseline: define prestimulus periods that will serve as baseline values to compute I0.
  • NIRS_light2Hb: function that converts the raw intensities to Hb relative concentrations. Uses e_coef.mat.
  • NIRS_defineepochs: cut the time series into epochs around each stimulus period.
  • NIRS_reject: reject artefacted epochs.
  • NIRS_average: average responses from non-rejected epochs.
  • PlotAverageSimpleBlocks: plot the averages for each subject.

The following scripts and functions work with the scripts from Mehler lab:

  • plotTrials: sort NIRS trials manually
  • PermutationsTempsEspace: runs cluster-based permutation analysis for 24 channels (requires the avg structure). Calls the following functions:
  • anova_f: runs an anova on every channel-time sample and returns a logical matrix (channels x time) with the above-threshold samples
  • identify_clusters: identify clusters of activity in the F matrix produced by anova_f
  • anova_perm: permutes the conditions (labels) and computes the Fperm matrix (similar to F but based on permuted data).
  • t_test: performs a t-test between conditions
  • t_test_perm: permutes the data and runs a t_test with permuted data