
Uppex - extend UPPAAL with annotations for properties in companion MS Excel files

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Allows extending an UPPAAL model with annotated blocks and XML blocks, e.g.:

        // @myAnnotation
        const int v1 = 1;
        const int v2 = 2;

And reads a companion MS Excel file (with the same base name) with tables that describe how to adapt the block following an annotation command, until the next empty line. For example, with the expression and table below in a sheet called @myAnnotation, the values 1 and 2 will become 10 and 20.

const $type $var = $number;
var type num
v1 int 10
v2 int 20

It is also possible to replace the content of the <queries> block by introducing a sheet named <queries> to our spreadsheet with a table like the one below:

<query> <formula>$Formula</formula> <comment>$Comment</comment> </query>
Formula Comment
A[]!deadlock No deadlocks
A[] W.Idle The worker is always Idle

This concrete table will replace the content of the <queries> block by two <query> blocks containing the corresponding formulas and comments from the table.

Supporting multiple configurations

Often we want to experiment with different combinations of values and queries.

Uppex supports the specification of a list of configurations, each producing variations of the values and XML blocks, following principles from Software Product Line Engineering. Uppex generates, for each of the provided configurations, a different instance of the original UPPAAL model and verifies all properties of all instances. We will first see how to define configuration by selecting desired "features", and then how to enrich the annotations with these "features".

Specifying configurations

A special sheet named @Configurations lists and specifies the configuration in a table similar to the one below:

Configuration Feature1 Feature2 ...
Conf2 x
Conf3 x

The names below Configuration identify the set of desired configurations, and every non-empty cell at the right of these selects the feature name at the top of the corresponding column.

In this example we have 3 configurations: Main, Conf2, and Conf3; configuration Conf2 selects Feature1, Conf3 selects Feature2, and Main does not select any feature. Each feature selection in a configuration will modify the annotations, explained below, yielding a different instance of the UPPAAL model.

Enriching annotations with features

Recall that each annotation is described by a table with multiple columns, each with a header identifying a pattern name. A special column named Features is used to map entries to boolean expressions over feature names, such as the ones in the configuration table. Empty cells default to True. Each line of an annotation table is included only if the boolean expression evaluates to true by assigning the selected features to true. When more than one entry has the same left-most value, the last one prevails.

For example, using the table below and considering the configuration table above, selecting the configuration Conf3 would produce our original Uppaal model, but selecting Conf2 would instead assign 10000 to v1.

const $type $var = $number;
var type num Features
v1 int 10000 Feature1
v1 int 10 Feature2
v2 int 20

Download or build the (fat) jar



You can download the latest release – the uppex.jar file – from https://github.com/cister-labs/uppex/releases.


Alternatively, use the sbt task to build the self-contained jar-file running at the root:

sbt assembly

Run the jar

The compiled jar-file can be found in target/scala-3.0.2/uppex.jar. You can copy it to your working folder, with the UPPAAL and Excel files. To list the possible options run in the command line:

java -jar uppex.jar --help

For example, to apply the default configuration in a file myfile.xlsx to an UPPAAL model myfile.xml, you can run the command:

java -jar uppex.jar myfile.xlsx

The file names of the configuration and UPPAAL files must match. You will be presented with a list of changes applied to the myfile.xml, this file will be updated, and a copy of the original file will be placed in a backups folder, which will be created if it does not exist.

To check all properties using UPPAAL of all configurations, you can run the command:

java -jar uppex.jar --runAll myfile.xlsx

This requires the command verifyta to be available in the PATH, which can be found in the binaries included by UPPAAL. Extra options, such as a timeout value, can be defined here, requiring the command timeout to be available in the PATH. This command will:

  • output to the screen the results of verifying each property as they are verified, and
  • produce a "report.html" file compiling all the results in a more readable format.



You can find a simple example in folder examples/simple to illustrate the usage of annotations. It includes a minimalistic Uppaal file, a simple Excel file, and a script runuppaal.command to call Uppex and Uppaal. This example includes both annotation and XML blocks; the former are in sheets whose name starts in @, and the latter are in sheets whose name is surrounded by angular brackets <>.

To run the simple example, first build the fat jar (sbt assembly). Then, using the command line in the folder of the example, type sh runuppaal.command.


A more complete variation of this example can be found in folder examples/hammer that further illustrates how to apply multiple configurations, using the special sheet named @Configurations.