
This file contains two lexicons at two different borderline (B) values: B=1 and B=2. Each of our two lexicons, VERY-NEG and VERY-POS:

1- VERY-NEG which consists of a list of the most negative words (MN) and words that are considered to be not most negative (NMN).

2- VERY-POS is composed of a list of the most positive words (MP) and of those words that are not classified as most positive (NMP)


Both lexicons consist of four columns:

  • W: the words.
  • Tag: the part of speech tag adjective (A) or adverb (R).
  • Class: MN, NMN, MP, NMP.
  • D(x): The weight of each word (W).


If you use VERY=NEG OR VERY-POS lexicon in your research, please cite the folowing paper, where All details are contained.