
📊 Displays a github-like contribution graph, of every contributors of a repository

Primary LanguageGo

Git contrib graph

Displays a github-like contribution graph, of every contributors of a repository: example.


I've been developing this tool for getting a fast overview of student involvement in scholar group project, at Epitech (French university).


$ go get github.com/samber/git-contrib-graph

$ git-contrib-graph
Usage of git-contrib-graph:
    	Display days without contributions
  -git-path string
    	Fetch logs from local git repository (bare or normal)
  -git-remote string
    	Fetch logs from remote git repository Github, Gitlab...
  -interval string
    	Display contributions per day, week or month (default "day")
  -max-columns int
    	Number of columns in your terminal or output (default 80)
    	Disabled colors in output


Display crontribs per week, with color and even weeks without any commit.

$ git-contrib-graph --git-remote https://github.com/samber/invoice-as-a-service \
	--full-graph \
	--interval month

Repo: https://github.com/samber/invoice-as-a-service

Contributions to master, excluding merge commits:


Author: dev@samuel-berthe.fr

   31 commits
   Insertions: 7557 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   Deletions:   127 ------------------------------------------------------------

Per day:
   2018-03-01 | 7063(+) 101(-) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
   2018-04-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-05-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-06-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-07-01 | 494(+)  26(-) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
   2018-08-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-09-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-10-01 |   0(+)   0(-)


Author: catalin@zmole.ro

   4 commits
   Insertions:  121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   Deletions:    25 -------------------------

Per day:
   2018-03-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-04-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-05-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-06-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-07-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-08-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-09-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-10-01 | 121(+)  25(-) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------


Author: mkingbe@gmail.com

   1 commits
   Insertions:  386 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   Deletions:   359 ------------------------------------------------------------

Per day:
   2018-03-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-04-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-05-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-06-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-07-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-08-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-09-01 |   0(+)   0(-)
   2018-10-01 | 386(+) 359(-) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------


Remote repository:

docker run --rm samber/git-contrib-graph \
       --git-remote https://github.com/samber/invoice-as-a-service \
       --interval week --full-graph

Local repository:

docker run --rm \
       -v /students/john-doe/project-a-b-c:/repo \
       samber/git-contrib-graph \
       --git-path /repo --interval week  --full-graph


  • json output
  • image output
  • custom branch
  • clone on filesystem instead of memory
  • test with lot of public github repo and compare contrib graphs
  • better example in readme
  • get graph for only one contributor


âš  Quick and dirty project ;)


$ go get gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4
$ go run git-contrib-graph.go --git-remote https://github.com/samber/invoice-as-a-service \
	--full-graph \
	--max-columns 100 \
	--interval week


About git api and go-git library

Git log command do much more things than you think !

  • At low level, initial git commit does not have diff (because it has no parent). Then we fetch number of changes (add/del) based on number of lines.
  • Merge commits have 2 parents. In that case, changes (add/del) are displayed once in git log command, but are provided twice in git api (in both original and merge commit)