
Algorithms for determining keyword combinations used to filter text

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Algorithms for using repeated sample tests to isolate which combination of keywords is triggering automatic filtering of a censored string of text.

The files prefixed with algorithms-* versus coroutines-* implement the same underlying algorithm, but they have different interfaces for determining whether a collection of strings is censored. The former require the implementation and passing of a callback function is_censored which must be designed such that it returns True or False depending on whether a passed collection of strings is censored. The latter will yield a string to test for censorship, after which True or False must be returned to the coroutine via its send() method.

The files suffixed with *-ordered are variants of the algorithm in which the order of the appearance of keyword combinations components is relevant for triggering censorship. In these, keyword combinations are modeled as tuples as opposed to sets.

The files containing the *left* infix may return a different keyword combination in the case that multiple censored keyword combinations are present in the censored string. Namely, if more than one censored keyword combination is present, these variants isolate the one whose rightmost component is leftmost in the provided string, whereas the algorithms without the *left* infix isolate the one whose leftmost component is rightmost.

This code originally accompanied the paper "An Efficient Method to Determine which Combination of Keywords Triggered Automatic Filtering of a Message" by Ruohan Xiong and Jeffrey Knockel (2019). For the original version with all of the algorithms evaluated in the paper, see this commit.