
Update the Grand Rapids entry in the US City Open Data Census

MIT LicenseMIT

Data Census:

Slack: #project-datacensus

Project Description: This project updates the City of Grand Rapids' entry in the US City Open Data Census. The Open Data Census is a crowdsourced measure of public access to public datasets in municipalities across the United States. The project is run collaboratively by the Sunlight Foundation and Open Knowledge International, with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers.

The U.S. City Open Data Census is a benchmarking tool that gives city staff and residents an understanding of what datasets are available in their city, and how their city compares to others across the country when it comes to open government data.

Project Guide: @allen


  • none


Getting started:

  1. Check out the current Data Census Website.

  2. Learn more about how you can Contribute.

  3. Learn the status of the project and see where you might be able to help.


  • We welcome contributions from first timers.
  • Browse our help wanted issues. See if there is anything that interests you.
  • Core maintainers and project guides are responsible for reviewing and merging all pull requests. In order to prevent frustrations with your first PR we recommend you reach out to our core maintainers who can help you through your first PR.
  • Need to practice working with github in a group setting? Checkout github-playground
  • Updates to documentation or readme are greatly appreciated and make for a great first PR. They do not need to be discussed in advance and will be merged as soon as possible.
  • Are you ready? Start contributing now....


Skills you may learn or already posses relevant to this project.

  • analysis
  • communication
  • document
  • data-collection
  • data-viz
  • storytelling