
Primary LanguageJavaScript


// CLOUD 9

// run these 2 commands and wait for the packages to install npm install gem install sass

//run these commands to get started memcached -d run-mongo

Once setup project, run like this:

  1. Terminal: sass --watch src/scss/app.scss:public/css/main.css, webpack --watch, nodemon server.js
  2. New run configuration: Node.js


First time set up, step-by-step:

First install these:

  1. Visual studio code (or whichever code editor you like)

  2. Xcode (for Mac users)

  3. Homebrew (and memcached):
    $/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    $brew install memcached

  4. Docker: https://www.docker.com/products/docker#/mac - and once you’ve installed Docker, run this in terminal:
    $docker run --name=mongo --detach -p 27017:27017 --restart=always mongo:3.0
    $docker exec -ti mongo mongo *...If this step doesn’t work right now, don’t worry. Check that you don’t have any other projects running and go ahead with the ‘then do this’ steps below. *

Then do this:

  1. Go to https://github.com/citizenly/citizen

  2. Click ‘clone or download’ and copy the address https://github.com/citizenly/citizen.git

  3. Open terminal

  4. cd Documents ...or wherever else you wish to put the project.

  5. git clone https://github.com/citizenly/citizen.git

  6. cd citizen

  7. npm install If get error with permissions: sudo xcodebuild -license (and agree)

  8. sudo gem install sass

  9. Install a parse server:
    $cd Documents...or wherever you put the project in step 4. $git clone https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server.git $cd parse-server
    $docker build --tag parse-server . ...don't forget the dot, and if you see lots of red on the screen don't panic, as long as it says 'npm something' its all good. $docker run --name my-parse-server --link mongo:mongo parse-server --appId “arbitrary” --masterKey “arbitrary” --databaseURI mongodb://mongo/test

  10. Open a new tab and run
    $memcached -d *This will start a memcached server on port 11211 - you can check if it’s running with *$ lsof -i :11211 and you can stop it by running $ killall memcached

  11. $cd citizen ...again, or wherever you put the project in step 4.

  12. Start server and webpack (build frontend code)
    $npm start and in a different tab $npm run build:watch when you want to rebuild on frontend code changes
    $npm run build and in a different tab $npm run start:watch when you want to rebuild on backend code changes
    $npm run start:watch and in a different tab $npm run build:watch when you want to rebuild on any code changes.

  13. Open your browser, go to localhost:8080

  14. ALL SET. Dandy.

When starting in the future:

  1. $cd citizen

  2. $code ....this is a shortcut to opening up your project in your code editor. If you haven't set this up yet, google "code . visual studio code."

  3. New tab: $memcached -d

  4. New tab: start server and webpack (build frontend code) $npm start and in a different tab $npm run build:watch when you want to rebuild on frontend code changes
    $npm run build and in a different tab $npm run start:watch when you want to rebuild on backend code changes
    $npm run start:watch and in a different tab $npm run build:watch when you want to rebuild on any code changes.

  5. Open browser, go to localhost:8080

If you get an error in the above: Docker should already be running. If not, check step 9 in step-by-step. You might have to start it up again with $ docker run --name my-parse-server --link mongo:mongo parse-server --appId “arbitrary” --masterKey “arbitrary” --databaseURI mongodb://mongo/test If that doesn't work, try opening docker from your finder/applications (on mac) and once it's open click the docker icon at the top bar menu. Check so it says 'running' and see if localhost:8080 works now.
If not, go back to the docker menu, click preferences>uninstall/reset>reset to factory settings and...
$docker run --name=mongo --detach -p 27017:27017 --restart=always mongo:3.0
$docker exec -ti mongo mongo
Works? Yes? Sweet. No? Contact us at asaisacson@gmail.com


// Run webpack for Prod webpack --config webpack.config.prod.js

// Heroku - deploy to prod heroku git:remote citizenly git push heroku bills:master http://citizenly.herokuapp.com/

install Heroku toolbelt wget -O- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh

//After a pull request, check if the space name is still ok for the mongo-DB:

app.js, line 14 Marie-Eve: Parse.serverURL = 'https://citizen-marie-evegauthier.c9users.io/parse' Alex: Parse.serverURL = 'https://citizen-molecularcode.c9users.io/parse' Osa: 'https://citizen-iblamemymother.c9users.io/parse'

server.js, line 43 Marie-Eve: serverURL: 'https://citizen-marie-evegauthier.c9users.io/parse' Alex: serverURL: 'https://citizen-molecularcode.c9users.io/parse' Osa: serverURL: 'https://citizen-iblamemymother.c9users.io/parse'