
A template for purescript experiments in Halogen

Primary LanguagePureScript

Purescript Template

We regularly need to run experiments to explore library approaches or have a minimal Halogen playground. This repository serves as a working base for experimentation. You will at least need these tools installed:

  • bower for PureScript package management (feel free to replace this with psc-package)
  • yarn for Node package management and scripts


Get started quickly:

yarn && yarn build
open ./dist/index.html
  • yarn will install everything you need
  • yarn build will build the project and bundle the JS so you can view your app at dist/index.html
  • yarn watch will build and bundle the project, and re-run every time a source file changes

I recommend opening your terminal or IDE to work on the source, and have a terminal running yarn watch in the background. Then, you can reliably save your code, wait for the build/bundle to complete, and then refresh your browser to see the updated application.