A collection of all awesome social-related things to Cosmos: blogs, newsletters, podcasts, events, etc.
Simply go to a category from the content menu and click on it to expand the list that interests you.
Awesome lists are subjective registiries of cool and important things related to certain
projects or products. In this case Cosmos, Tendermint or any other ecosystem project
๐ Click here to see the ecosystem Awesome Lists ๐
- Awesome Cosmos: Collection of Cosmos related resources
- Awesome CosmWasm: Curated list of tools, contracts, and projects working with CosmWasm
- Awesome Cyber: A curated list of cyber links, services, software and tools
- Awesome Tendermint: Collection of resources for all things Tendermint
Blogs are, of course, self-explanatory. Here is a comprehensive list of blogs related
to the Cosmos ecosystem and its projects broken by category
The general category is a list of blogs that will help you to get a better understanding
of what's going on now around the Cosmos ecosystem, news, development progress, etc
๐ Click here to see the General blog list ๐
- Cosmos: The main blog about Cosmos and its technology
- Cosmos Guardian: News around Cosmos
- FreeFlix A blog, among other things, about the Cosmos ecosystem news
- Interchain: ICF's blog about recent events
- Paradigm: A bi-weekly overview of the ecosystem and more
- Staking Economy: About Staking in general
- Tendermint: Blog of the Tednermint team
Ecosystem blogs are blogs of projects that are building on Cosmos-SDK and/or Tendermint
๐ Click here to see the Ecosystem blog list ๐
- Akash: Akashe's blog
- cyber~Congress DAO: Cyber's blog
- Desmos Network: Desmose's blog
- e-Money: e-Money's blog
- Informal Systems: A blog about Cosmos and organisations
- Kava: Kava Labs blog
- Kira Network: Kira's Netowrk blog
- Persistence: Persistance's blog
- Thorchain: Thorchain's blog
- Regen Network: Regen Network's blog
- Secret Network: Secret Network's blog
- Sentinel: Sentinel's blog
- Band Protocol: Band Protocol's blog
- Starname (IOV): Starname's blog
- Althea: Althea's blog
- Agoric: Agoric's blog
- Iris Network: Iris Network's blog
Blogs in languages, other than English, about the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the Local blog list ๐
- Cosmos India: A blog for the Indian audience
- Matter news: Forbole's Chinese bi-weekly reports
Blogs of projects that build tools and wallets, but didnt fall into the general category,
around the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the blog list for Tools and Wallets ๐
- Lunie: Lunie's Medium blog
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation's Medium blog
- Keplr: Keplr Medium Blog Guide
Validator blogs. Not just of those around Cosmos-hub, but the Cosmos ecosystem altogether
๐ Click here to see the Validator website/blog list ๐
- Citizen Cosmos: Citizen's Cosmos validator and podcast blog
- Cryptium: Cryptrium validator's blog
- Dragon Stake: Dragon Stake validator's blog
- Forbole: Forbole validator's blog
- Melea: Melea validator's blog
- Node A-Team: Node A-Team validator's blog
- P2P: P2P validator's blog
- SG-1: SG-1's validator's blog
- Iqlusion: Iqlusion's validator's blog
- Citadel One: Citadel One validator's blog
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- Binance Staking: Binance validator's Blog
- ๐ stake.fish: stake.fish validator's blog
- DokiaCapital: DokiaCapital validator's website
- Sikka: Sikka validator's website
- Kraken: Kraken validator's blog
- Zero Knowledge Validator (ZKV): ZKV validator's blog
- Chorus One: Chorus One validator's blog
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- MultiChain Ventures: Multichain Ventures' validator's website
- Figment: Figment validator's blog
- Certus One: Certus One validator's website
- Polychain Labs: Polychain Labs Validator's website
- Blockpower: Blockpower validator's blog
- P2P.ORG - P2P Validator: P2P validator's blog
- Coinbase Custody: Coinbase Custody validator's blog
- hashtower: Hashtower validator's website
- B-Harvest: B-Harvest validator's website
- Huobi Wallet: Huobi Wallet validator's website
- IRISnet-Bianjie: IRISnet-Bianjie validator's blog
- CoinoneNode: CoinOneNode validator's website
- Staking Facilities: Staking Facilities validator's blog
- SparkPool: SparkPool validator's website
- BouBouNode: Boubounode validator's website
- AUDIT.one: AUDIT.one validator's website
- KalpaTech: KalpaTech validator's website
- ATEAM: ATEAM validator's blog
- validator.network | Security first. Highly available.: Validator Network validator's blog
- HuobiPool: HuobiPool validator's website
- ChainLayer: ChainLayer validator's blog
- Everstake: Everstake validator's blog
- Staked: Staked validator's website
- Cephalopod Equipment: Cephalopod Equipment validator's website
- HyperblocksPro: Hyperblocks validator's website
- Alphemy Capital: Alchemy Capital validator's website
- 01node: 01node validator's blog
- InfStones (Infinity Stones): Infstones validator's website
- Cypher Core: no website/blog
- Delega Networksโพ: Delega Networks validator's blog
- StakeWith.Us: StakeWith.Us validator's website
- Simply Staking: Simply VC
- ๐ KysenPool Sky โ๏ธ: KysenPool validator's blog
- DragonStake: DragonStake validator's blog
- KIRA Staking: Kira Core validator's blog
- Stakin: Stakin validator's blog
- lunamint: Lunamint validator's blog
- OKEx Pool: OKex Pool validator's website
- Ztake.org: Ztake validator's website
- Any Labs: Any Labs validator website
- chainflow-cosmos-prodval-01: Chainflow validator's website
- Ping.pub: Ping validator's website
- Castlenode: Castlenode validator's website
- Skystar Capital: no website/blog
- commercio.network: Commercio validator's website
- Umbrella โ: Umbrella validator's blog
- nylira.net: Nylira validator's blog
- Staking Fund: Staking Fund validator's blog
- syncnode: Syncnode validator's blog
- WeStaking: WeStaking validator's website
- HashQuark: HashQuark validator's website
- Velocity V1: no website/blog
- Compass: Compass validator's website
- ๐กgrant.fish: ๐กgrant.fish validator's blog
- kytzu: no website/blog
- Sentinel: Sentinel validator's blog
- jackzampolin: Pylon Validator's website
- FRESHATOMS: FreshAtoms validator's website
- Wetez: Wetez validator's blog
- X-Stake: X-Stake validator's website
- Stake Capital: Stake Capital validator's website
- Swiss Staking: Swiss Staking validator's website
- Easy 2 Stake: Easy 2 Stake validator's website
- zugerselfdelegation: no website/blog
- gf.network: no website/blog
- Stir: no website/blog
- Cosmic Validator: Cosmic Validator's blog
- Mythos: Mythos validator's website
- BlockMatrix ๐: no website/blog
- stake.systems: Stake Systems validator's webiste
- Genesis Lab: Genesis Lab validator's webiste
- blockscape: Blockscape validator's webiste
- ๐พreplicator.network: Replicator Network validator's webiste
- noma: no website/blog
- 2nd only to Certus One in GoS: in3s.com
- omega3
- SSSnodes
- firstblock
- kochacolaj
- Fenbushi US - Staked
- SNZPool
- Angel
- melange
- MathWallet้บฆๅญ้ฑๅ
- Blockdaemon
- Allnodes
- stake.zone
- tokenweb.io
- Cosmos Suisse
- Bi23 Labs
- Bison Trails
- Blockscale
- Newroad Network
- Nodeasy.com
- Moonstake
- StarCluster
- OG
- Cybernetic Destiny
- BitMax Staking
- 1ED471CB34E3
- Cobo
- IZ0
- ็ๆฌ่ช&IOSG
- Anonstake
- Just-Mining
- AirGap ๐ก
- Public Payments
- Firmamint
Events can be offline and online. This is a list of places where you can find Cosmos ecosystem-related events
The general category is for events about Cosmos in particular
๐ Click here to see the General event list ๐
- Cosmos ecosystem: A comprehensive list of all major ecosystem events
The local category is for events in languages other than English
๐ Click here to see the Local event list registry ๐
- Cosmos Berlin: German community events
- Cosmos India: Indian community events
- Cosmos Moscow: Online events in Russian about Cosmos
- Cosmos Nigeria: Nigeria community events
- Cosmos New York: NY community events
- Cosmos San Francisco: SF community events
- Cosmos Seoul: Korean community events
- Cosmos Shanghai: Shanghai community events
- Cosmos Singapore: Singapore community events
- Cosmos Spain: Spanish community events
- Cosmos Switzerland: Swiss community events
- Cosmos Thailand: Thai community events
- Cosmos Toronto: Toronto community events
Newsletters about the Cosmos ecocsystem are a good way of gathering information in one place
๐ Click here to see the Newsletters list ๐
- Today in Cosmos: Daily overview of the Cosmos ecosystem on Twitter (translated to over 10 languages)
- Freeflix Weekly: Weekly reports about the Cosmos ecosystem
- Paradigm fund: A bi-weekly report on the Cosmos ecosystem
- Persistance community: Persistance's community newsletter
Podcasts about Cosmos, the people who are building it and projects that surround it
๐ Click here to see the Podcasts list ๐
- Citizen Cosmos: A podcast about the masterminds behind the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem & web3 builders
- Interchain.fm:A monthly podcast that uncovers the vibrant world of bleeding edge research in tech
- Future of Staking Podcast Series: ?
- The Regenerative Agroforestry podcast: Regent's network podcast about regeneration and ecology
Social Media profiles: Twitter accounts, discord servers, forums, chats, etc.
All related to the greater Cosmos ecosystem.
A list of Discord servers for the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the Discord server list ๐
- Cosmos Discord Server: The main ecosystem Discord server
- Akash: Akash's Discord
- Secret Network: Secret Network's Discord
- Band Protocol: Band Protocol's Discord
- Starname (IOV): Starname's Discord
- Althea: Althea's Discord
- Agoric: Agoric's Discord
- Iris Network: Iris Network's Riot
A list of public forums of Cosmos and related projects
๐ Click here to see the Forum list ๐
- Cosmos Forum: The main Cosmos forum
- cyber~Congress: Cyber's forum about Cyber and the cyber~Congress DAO
- Staking Defense: About staking and decentralization
- Secret Network: Secret Network's Forum
Telegram chats are broken down into categories
The general category is for all chats that are about Cosmos generally and related working groups
๐ Click here to see the General Telegram list ๐
- Cosmos Announcements: Main announcement channel for the ecosystem
- Cosmos Project: The main TG ecosystem group
- Cosmos Alliance: A community managed group chat
- Cosmos DVD: Dev help chat
- Cosmos Network Community: A community managed group chat
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation main chat
- Citizen Cosmos: Citizen Cosmos podcast and validator announcement channel
- Hub Gov: Cosmos hub governance working group
- IBC: IBC working group chat
The ecosystem Telegram list is for Cosmos-based projects chats
๐ Click here to see the Ecosystem Telegram list ๐
- Akash: Akash's main group chat
- Cyber's fuckgoogle: Cyber's main group chat
- Cyber Russian community: Cyber's RU chat
- e-Money: e-Momey's main chat
- Irisnetwork: The main chat of Irisnetwork
- Kava: Kava's group chat
- Kava Announcements: Kava's announcement channel
- Kira Network: Kira network's main group chat
- Persistance One: Persistance's main chat
- Regen Network: Regen Network's main group chat
- Sentinel: Sentinel's main group chat
- Secret Network: Secret Network's main group chat
- Secret Network: Secret Network's announcement channel
- Band Protocol: Band Protocol's main group chat
- Starname (IOV): Starname's main group chat
- Agoric: Agoric's main group chat
Telegram chat groups in languages other than English
๐ Click here to see the Local Telegram list ๐
- Cosmos India: Chat for India community
- Cosmos Hispanic: Chat for Spanish community
- Cosmos Hispanic 2: Chat for Spanish community
- Cosmos Japan: Chat for Japanese community
- Cosmos Korea: Chat for Korean community
- Cosmos Romania: Chat for Romania community
- Cosmos Rus: Chat for Ru community
- Cosmos Rus news: Cosmos news in Russian
- Cosmos Singapore: Chat for community from Singapore
- Cosmos Turkey: Chat for Turkish community
- Chorus One: Chorus one group chat
A list of Telegram chats for tools and wallets that are Cosmos-related
๐ Click here to see the Telegram list for Tools and Wallets ๐
- Lunie: Lunie's group chat
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation's Medium blog
- Keplr: Keplr Medium Blog Guide
Validator chat groups on Telegram (Cosmos ecosystem)
๐ Click here to see the Telegram list for validator chats ๐
- Cryptium: Cryptium validator group chat
- Everstake: Everstake's validator group chat
- Forbole: Forbole's chat group chat
- Melea: Melea's group group chat
- P2P: P2P validator group chat
- SikkaTech: Sikka's group chat
- Stakefish: Stakefish validator group chat
- Stake Capital: Stake's capital group chat
- Staking Hub: Staking hub's group chat (Figment)
- SG-1: SG-1 Validator's group chat
- Citadel One: Citadel One's group chat
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- Binance Staking: Binance validator's Blog
- ๐ stake.fish: stake.fish validator's blog
- DokiaCapital: DokiaCapital validator's website
- Sikka: Sikka validator's website
- Kraken: Kraken validator's blog
- Zero Knowledge Validator (ZKV): ZKV validator's blog
- Chorus One: Chorus One validator's blog
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- MultiChain Ventures
- Figment
- Certus One
- Polychain Labs
- Blockpower
- P2P.ORG - P2P Validator
- iqlusion
- Coinbase Custody
- hashtower
- B-Harvest
- Forbole
- Huobi Wallet
- IRISnet-Bianjie
- CoinoneNode
- Staking Facilities
- SparkPool
- BouBouNode
- AUDIT.one
- KalpaTech
- validator.network | Security first. Highly available.
- HuobiPool
- ChainLayer
- Everstake
- Staked
- Cephalopod Equipment
- HyperblocksPro
- Alphemy Capital
- 01node
- InfStones (Infinity Stones)
- Cypher Core
- Delega Networksโพ
- StakeWith.Us
- Simply Staking
- ๐ KysenPool Sky โ๏ธ
- DragonStake
- KIRA Staking
- Stakin
- lunamint
- OKEx Pool
- Ztake.org
- Any Labs
- chainflow-cosmos-prodval-01
- Ping.pub
- Castlenode
- Skystar Capital
- commercio.network
- Umbrella โ
- nylira.net
- Staking Fund
- syncnode
- WeStaking
- HashQuark
- Velocity V1
- Compass
- ๐กgrant.fish
- kytzu
- Sentinel
- jackzampolin
- Wetez
- X-Stake
- Stake Capital
- Swiss Staking
- Easy 2 Stake
- zugerselfdelegation
- gf.network
- Stir
- Cosmic Validator
- Citizen Cosmos
- Firmamint
- Mythos
- BlockMatrix ๐
- stake.systems
- Genesis Lab
- blockscape
- ๐พreplicator.network
- noma
- 2nd only to Certus One in GoS: in3s.com
- omega3
- SSSnodes
- firstblock
- kochacolaj
- Fenbushi US - Staked
- SNZPool
- Angel
- melange
- MathWallet้บฆๅญ้ฑๅ
- Blockdaemon
- Allnodes
- stake.zone
- tokenweb.io
- Cosmos Suisse
- Bi23 Labs
- Bison Trails
- Blockscale
- Newroad Network
- Nodeasy.com
- Moonstake
- StarCluster
- OG
- Cybernetic Destiny
- BitMax Staking
- 1ED471CB34E3
- Cobo
- IZ0
- ็ๆฌ่ช&IOSG
- Anonstake
- Just-Mining
- AirGap ๐ก
- Public Payments
Twitter accounts contain some of the most important inforamtion about projects progress
Twitter accounts that are realted to Cosmos hub directly or of projects that do ecosystem overviews.
Also contains other accounts that we think are vital
๐ Click here to see the General Twitter list ๐
- Cosmos: The main Twitter account of Cosmos
- Cosmos Guardian: News around Cosmos
- Cosmos Gov: Cosmos Governance group Twitter
- Cosmos Hub: The Twitter account of Cosmos Hub
- Cosmos Outpost: Macro-economic Insights Platform to visualize network trend and validator uptimes
- Cosmos-SDK: Developers news and updates
- Cosmos Validator: Cosmos validator working group
- CosmWasm: CosmWasm Twitter
- Cosmos Zone: Cosmos Zone Twitter
- Citizen Cosmos: Citizen Cosmos podcast and validator
- Decentralize Cosmos: Monitoring decentralization in the Cosmos Network
- Ethan Buchamn: Cosmos's co-founder public Twitter account
- Interchain Foundation: Interchain Foundation Twitter
- Interchian Working Group: IBC working group Twitter
- Staking Defense: Staking Defense Twitter
- Staking Economy: Staking Economy Twitter
- Tendermint Core: Tenderimnt core Twitter
- Tendermitn Team: Tendermint team Twitter
Twitter accounts of projects that are building on Cosmos or work with it
๐ Click here to see the Ecosystem Twitter list ๐
- Akash: Akashnet's Twitter Twitter account
- Bitsong: Bitsong's Twitter account
- Certic: Certic's main Twitter account
- Desmos: Desmos Network's Twitter account
- e-Money: e-Money's Twitter account
- Ethermint: The EVM on Tendermint Twitter account
- Informalinc: Informal Systems' Twitter account
- Irisnetwork: Irisnetwork's Twitter account
- Kava: Kava's Twitter account
- Mooncake: Mooncake's Twitter account
- Regen Network: Regen network's Twitter account
- Secret Network: Secret network's Twitter account
- Sentinel: Sentinel's Twitter account
- Band Protocol: Band Protocols' Twitter account
- Starname (IOV): Starname's Twitter account
- Althea: Althea's Twitter account
- Agoric: Agoric's Twitter account
Twitter accouts about the Cosmos ecosystem in languages other than English
๐ Click here to see the Local Twitter list ๐
- Cosmos Africa: African community
- Cosmos Bulgaria: Cosmos in Bulgarian
- Cosmos Croatia: Cosmos in Croatian
- Cosmos Hispanic: Cosmos Spanish community
- Cosmos Honk Kong: Cosmos Hong Kong community
- Cosmos India: Cosmos Indian community
- Cosmos Japan: Cosmos Japan community
- Cosmos Korea: Cosmos Korean community
- Cosmos Philippines: Cosmos in Philippines
- Cosmos Romania: Cosmos in Romania
- Cosmos Rus: Cosmos In Russian
- Cosmos Singapore: Cosmos in Singapore
- Cosmos Taiwan: Cosmos in Taiwanese
- Cosmos Turkey: Cosmos in Turkish
Twitter accounts of companies that are building solutions, like bridges to other chains,
for the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the Twitter list for solutions companies ๐
- Chainapsis: Chainapsis, developing Keplr and other solutions
- Chainsafe: Developing bridges
- VitVit: An Indian development company, building blockchain solutions
- Secret Network: A Cosmos ecosystem project building - among other things - an Eth bridge via Enigma MPC
Twitter accounts of tools and wallets for the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the Twitter list for Tools and Wallets ๐
- Big Dipper: Big Dipper's explorer Twitter
- Keplr: Keplr's wallet Twitter account
- Lunie: Lunie's wallet Twitter
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation's wallet Twitter
Validator twitter accounts of the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the Validator Twitter list ๐
- Bharvest: Bharvest validator
- Cephalopod: Cephalopod Twitter
- Cryptium Labs: Crypterium Labs Twitter
- Dokia Capital: Dokia Capital Twitter
- Dragon Stake: Dragon Stake validator's Twitter
- Forbole: Forbole's Twitter
- KalpaTech: KalpaTech validator's Twitter
- Melea: Melea's Twitter
- Node A-Team: Node A-team's Twitter
- P2P: P2P validator's Twitter
- Persistance: Persistence audit.one validator's Twitter
- Staking Hub: Staking Hub validator's Twitter
- SG-1: SG-1 Validator's Twitter
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation Validator's Twitter
- Iqlusion: Iqlusion's Validator's Twitter
- Citadel One: Citadel One's Validator's Twitter
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- Binance Staking: Binance validator's Blog
- ๐ stake.fish: stake.fish validator's blog
- DokiaCapital: DokiaCapital validator's website
- Sikka: Sikka validator's website
- Kraken: Kraken validator's blog
- Zero Knowledge Validator (ZKV): ZKV validator's blog
- Chorus One: Chorus One validator's blog
- Cosmostation: Cosmostation validator's blog
- MultiChain Ventures
- Figment
- Certus One
- Polychain Labs
- Blockpower
- P2P.ORG - P2P Validator
- iqlusion
- Coinbase Custody
- hashtower
- B-Harvest
- Forbole
- Huobi Wallet
- IRISnet-Bianjie
- CoinoneNode
- Staking Facilities
- SparkPool
- BouBouNode
- AUDIT.one
- KalpaTech
- validator.network | Security first. Highly available.
- HuobiPool
- ChainLayer
- Everstake
- Staked
- Cephalopod Equipment
- HyperblocksPro
- Alphemy Capital
- 01node
- InfStones (Infinity Stones)
- Cypher Core
- Delega Networksโพ
- StakeWith.Us
- Simply Staking
- ๐ KysenPool Sky โ๏ธ
- DragonStake
- KIRA Staking
- Stakin
- lunamint
- OKEx Pool
- Ztake.org
- Any Labs
- chainflow-cosmos-prodval-01
- Ping.pub
- Castlenode
- Skystar Capital
- commercio.network
- Umbrella โ
- nylira.net
- Staking Fund
- syncnode
- WeStaking
- HashQuark
- Velocity V1
- Compass
- ๐กgrant.fish
- kytzu
- Sentinel
- jackzampolin
- Wetez
- X-Stake
- Stake Capital
- Swiss Staking
- Easy 2 Stake
- zugerselfdelegation
- gf.network
- Stir
- Cosmic Validator
- Citizen Cosmos
- Firmamint
- Mythos
- BlockMatrix ๐
- stake.systems
- Genesis Lab
- blockscape
- ๐พreplicator.network
- noma
- 2nd only to Certus One in GoS: in3s.com
- omega3
- SSSnodes
- firstblock
- kochacolaj
- Fenbushi US - Staked
- SNZPool
- Angel
- melange
- MathWallet้บฆๅญ้ฑๅ
- Blockdaemon
- Allnodes
- stake.zone
- tokenweb.io
- Cosmos Suisse
- Bi23 Labs
- Bison Trails
- Blockscale
- Newroad Network
- Nodeasy.com
- Moonstake
- StarCluster
- OG
- Cybernetic Destiny
- BitMax Staking
- 1ED471CB34E3
- Cobo
- IZ0
- ็ๆฌ่ช&IOSG
- Anonstake
- Just-Mining
- AirGap ๐ก
- Public Payments
Video blogs and YouTube channels are a great way of getting information across
A general list of YouTube and other video blog accounts that are vital for the Cosmos ecosystem
๐ Click here to see the General Vlog list ๐
- Cosmos: Cosmos's main video blog with explanations, community discussions, etc
- CosmWasm: A collection of education videos, community calls, etc from the CosmWasm team
- Regen Network: Regen's videos + Cosmos SDK community calls
Vlogs of ecosystem projects and local communites around Cosmos
๐ Click here to see the Ecosystem Vlog list ๐
- Cosmos India: Educational videos and meetups
- Cryptium Labs: Cryptium Labs YouTube account
- Secret Network: Secret Network's YouTube account
๐ To be added, by category? ๐
- What is Cosmos?
- Learn how to use Gaia in Spanish using a virtual machine
- Tendermint Explained Bringing BFT-based PoS to the Public Blockchain Domain
- Tendermint in a Nutshell
- Consensus Compare: Casper vs. Tendermint
- Consensus Compare: Tendermint BFT vs. EOS dPoS
- List of projects in Cosmos & Tendermint Ecosystem
- The Most Comprehensive Guide to Tendermint Core
- Tenderand: Randomized leader election in Tendermint