
Setup for virtualized staging and production environments.


Running this locally

  1. You need Vagrant, Virtualbox and Ansible
  2. Clone the repo
  3. cd into the repo you just cloned
  4. vagrant up
  5. ...wait...
  6. ansible-playbook site.yml -i env/staging/inventory
  7. Check the output, read the debug message
  8. ansible-playbook site.yml -i env/production/inventory
  9. Check the output, read the debug message
  10. SHAZAM! Multi-environment setup where you scripts don't need to know anything about the environment they are running in
  11. vagrant destroy

BEWARE Repeated runs require you to remove the host entry from $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts

See also https://github.com/JGailor/ansible-example-multi-env