
The open source code that powers citrusui.me.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Hello! Welcome to my open source website, powered by Jekyll and my custom fork of Poole.

Interested in how development works? Details can be found below.


These scripts are used to publish the site and will automatically run after every commit to Netlify.

npm run clean: Removes the _site folder.

npm run dev: Runs Jekyll using the development environment and watches for changes.

npm run firebase: Deploys to Firebase static hosting.

npm run jekyll: Builds the current site into _site using Jekyll.

npm run lint: Lints all Sass files in _sass/ according to rules in .sass-lint.yml.

npm run min: Minifies HTML output using html-minifier.

npm run prod: Runs a Jekyll build using the production environment.

npm run publish: Removes the previously built site, lints Sass files, builds a production site, minifies HTML output, and deploys to Firebase.


The master branch contains the newest changes and should not be considered stable. After each commit, various tests are run. If a commit passes all of its tests, it is then built and automatically published to dev.citrusui.me via Netlify.

When the changes in master are deemed stable, the version key in package.json is incremented and published as a Git release tag. These changes are then published to npm and Firebase Hosting.


Code licensed under MIT. Blog posts (anything in blog/_posts) licensed CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.