- 12
No scanning possible on Raspberry 4B
#65 opened by ergo70 - 2
not receiving any data
#73 opened by bbakerzzz - 10
- 0
Coded PHY Beacons
#76 opened by ilockerbie3000 - 0
- 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'beacontools'
#64 opened by dima72 - 0
- 4
- 0
Index out of range error in
#70 opened by jslay77 - 1
simple question about BeaconScanner.start
#68 opened by gokhalen - 1
- 0
Raspberry Pi OS
#71 opened by Jrimmer95 - 6
- 1
Question. How to get raw data of beacon to get info of battery status?
#69 opened by RandomPplHereOnly - 0
- 0
beacontools with RaspberryPi3B+
#62 opened by aytechS - 1
IbeaconScanner Speed customizing
#61 opened by jun-hY - 2
#60 opened by Krzysiek1975 - 2
- 1
Question about namespaces EddystoneFilter
#57 opened by YoussF - 1
Can I do the installation in MacOS Mojave?
#56 opened by KingArnaiz - 2 not working
#34 opened by YoussF - 2
- 4
Example Scanner working on Raspberry Pi, but not on Debian Buster Linux Laptop.
#43 opened by aadhi0319 - 5
Error while executing code
#52 opened by guptva5 - 4
- 7
Eddystone UID not seen
#39 opened by 404QuotenPole - 2
Threading and loops
#33 opened by rkaneknight - 1
Custom Format for TLM Frames
#49 opened by tan0300 - 3
Requesting Better Documentation: Get UUID, Major and Minor in python programme as variable?
#47 opened by tongclement - 2
- 10
iBeacon scanner and raspberry pi 3 b+
#27 opened by eashary - 3
The filters are rejecting anything
#40 opened by deisi - 1
Get the BLE beacon name
#38 opened by carlos-sarmiento - 1
[Bug] custom Filter initialization is broken, rejects 0x0 as a valid Property for iBeacon Major/Minor and possibly others
#30 opened by cereal - 1
Eddystone UID frames not seen
#10 opened by mvjt - 3
ibeacon not found
#21 opened by kessero - 1
- 1
Question - EddystoneTLMFrame Temperature
#29 opened by MaximGo - 0
Stopped finding Ibeacons suddenly
#28 opened by kkumar1994 - 23
Eddystone beacons not listed
#25 opened by dedalozzo - 1
How to take average of RSSI values
#24 opened by shaikadil95 - 9
How to make it work
#18 opened by benjilev92 - 6
scanner.start() results in `_bluetooth.error: (1, 'Operation not permitted')`
#17 opened by williamflynt - 8
need help!!
#16 opened by jesicanewton - 6
ConstructError("subcon[N] syntax can only be used for arrays use GreedyRange(subcon) instead?"
#14 opened by zSheikhAli - 1
Choose the BT device
#13 opened by c1p81 - 1
Support for construct >= 2.9.23
#11 opened by syssi - 1
Some ibeacon clones fail struct parsing due to not setting same le/br/edr bits.
#7 opened by darkskiez - 4
iBeacon battery charge level
#6 opened by maltitco