Integrate uiRouter


  • Setup ui-view with our application
  • Fetch data from the stubbed API
  • Change view using ui-router


Run npm install in your console to install dependencies, and then run node server.js to run the local web server. In another console, run stubby -d config.yml (this will run our mocked backend).

Our mocked backend has three URLs -

This will return data on the given user.

Add ui.router to our app and then configure the route for /user/:id, using views/user.html for the view, and UserController for the user.

Use the resolve property to fetch data from the URLs above to receive data.

Change over the URLs to use the uiSref directive instead. Make sure you put the view directive in the HTML!

Bonus: use uiSrefActive to add an active class to the hyperlink and color the link in a different color when active!

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