
Publishes MXDs to ArcGIS Server using YAML configuration files

Primary LanguagePython

ArcGIS Server Service Publisher


The primary purpose of this tool is to automate the publishing of ArcGIS Pro projects to services on ArcGIS Server, using YAML configuration files to define the service folders, environments, services, service properties, data source mappings and more. You can publish MapServer, FeatureServer, ImageServer and GeocodeServer services using this tool.

Additional features include cleaning up outdated services and generating reports about existing services and the datasets they reference on ArcGIS Server.

By default, configuration files are looked for in the ./configs subdirectory, reports are written to ./reports, and logs are written to ./logs. See the Tips section for details on overriding these default locations.

You create one configuration file per service folder -- each service folder can contain many services.

You must also create a userconfig.yml file specifying your environments and the properties for each of your ArcGIS Server instances.



ArcGIS Pro uses the concept of conda environments to manage and isolate Python packages. The default conda environment included with ArcGIS Pro is read-only, so we will create a new environment by cloning the default one.

  1. Clone this repository to a local directory.

  2. From the start menu, run the ArcGIS->Python Command Prompt shortcut.

  3. Create a clone of the ArcGIS Pro default conda environment (change <path_to_local_directory> to the local directory you cloned this repository into):

    conda create --clone arcgispro-py3 --prefix <path_to_local_directory>\arcgispro-py3-clone --no-shortcuts --pinned

  4. Activate the cloned environment:

    activate <path_to_local_directory>\arcgispro-py3-clone

  5. Change directories to the local directory:

    cd <path_to_local_directory>

  6. Install the ags-service-publisher library:

    pip install .


  1. Create a folder named configs in the local directory, or, alternatively, set the AGS_SERVICE_PUBLISHER_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to a directory of your choosing, as described in the Tips section.

  2. Create a file named userconfig.yml in the aforementioned configuration folder, and populate it with a top-level environments key containing one key for each of your environments, e.g. dev, test, and prod.

    Within each environment, specify the following keys:

    • ags_instances: contains a mapping of ArcGIS Server instance names, each having the following properties:
      • url: Base URL (scheme and hostname) of your ArcGIS Server instance

      • ags_connection: Path to an .ags connection file for each instance.

      • token (optional): ArcGIS Admin REST API token (see the "Generate tokens" section below for more details)

      • site_mode (optional): If specified, determines what site mode to set the site to after publishing. If not specified, the site mode is not checked or changed. May be one of the following values:

        • editable: Sets the site mode to editable before and after publishing.
        • read_only: Sets the site mode to editable before publishing and read-only after publishing.
        • initial: Sets the site mode to editable before publishing and restores it to the initial site mode after publishing.

        Note: Specifying a site_mode requires a valid token to be set for a user with Administrator privileges on the site.

      • proxies (optional): Specifies a proxy to connect to the ArcGIS Server instance. See the Python Requests documentation for details. Overrides any values set by the top-level proxies key.

      • ciphers (optional): Specifies the list of allowed SSL ciphers used to connect to the HTTPS-secured ArcGIS Server instance. See the OpenSSL ciphers documentation for details. Overrides any values set by the top-level ciphers key.

    • sde_connnections_dir (optional): path to a directory containing any SDE connection files you want to import to each of the instances in that environment

    The following additional top-level keys are also recognized:

    • proxies (optional): Specifies a proxy to connect to all ArcGIS Server instances. See the Python Requests documentation for details. May be overriden by the proxies key of individual ArcGIS Server instances.
    • ciphers (optional): Specifies the list of allowed SSL ciphers used to connect to all HTTPS-secured ArcGIS Server instances. See the OpenSSL ciphers documentation for details. May be overridden by the ciphers key of individual ArcGIS Server instances.
  3. Create additional configuration files for each service folder you want to publish. Configuration files must have a .yml extension.

    1. Create a top-level service_folder key with the name of the service folder as its value.
    2. Create a top-level services key with a list of service names to publish, with each service name preceded by a hyphen (-) and a space.
    3. Create a top-level environments key containing one key for each of your environments, e.g. dev, test, and prod.
    4. Within each environment, specify the following keys:
      • ags_instances: List of ArcGIS Server instances (as defined in userconfig.yml) to publish to.
      • data_source_mappings (optional): See data source mappings
      • source_dir: Directory containing the source files (APRX/MXD files, locator files, etc.) to publish.
      • staging_dir (optional): Directory containing staging files to copy into source_dir prior to mapping data sources and publishing.
        • Can also be a list of multiple staging directories. Each service may only have one corresponding staging file among all of the staging directories. Duplicates will result in a validation error.
    5. (Optional) Set service properties.

Example configuration files


service_folder: CouncilDistrictMap
  - CouncilDistrictMap
  - CouncilDistrictsFill:
      instances_per_container: 4 # example of specifying a service-level property; note the level of indentation
  isolation: low
  instances_per_container: 8
  cache_dir: D:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgiscache
      - coagisd1
      - coagisd2
    source_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntDev\mxd-source\CouncilDistrictMap
    service_properties: # example of specifying environment-level properties
      isolation: high
      instances_per_container: 1
      # Example of mapping by source database name, using a simple mapping
      gisdmdev: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntDev\Service-Connections\gisDmDev (COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE).sde
      - coagist1
      - coagist2
      # Example of mapping by specific connection properties, using a list of mappings and source/target keys
      # Note that order is significant; we list our more specific mapping first so that it short-circuits the evalution of subsequent mappings
      - source:
          database: gisdmdev
          version: sde_external.default
        target: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntTest\Service-Connections\gisDmTest (COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE) external.sde
      # Example of mapping by source database name, using a list of mappings and a simple mapping
      - gisdmdev: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntTest\Service-Connections\gisDmTest (COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE).sde 
    source_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntTest\mxd-source\CouncilDistrictMap
    staging_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntDev\mxd-source\CouncilDistrictMap
      - coagisp1
      - coagisp2
      - source:
          database: gisdm* # Example of using a wildcard in the value (no quotes necessary)
          version: sde_external.default
        target: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntProd\Service-Connections\gisDm (COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE) external.sde
      # Example of using a wildcard in the key (must be wrapped in quotes due to the special character)
      - 'gisdm*': \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntProd\Service-Connections\gisDm (COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE).sde
    source_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntProd\mxd-source\CouncilDistrictMap
    staging_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntTest\mxd-source\CouncilDistrictMap


        url: http://coagisd1.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagisd1-pughl (admin).ags
        site_mode: initial # Enable support for publishing to read-only mode site, restores site mode to its initial value after publishing
        url: http://coagisd2.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagisd2-pughl (admin).ags
        proxies: # Instance-specific proxy settings
          http: proxy-example.com:4567
        ciphers: DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=1 # Instance-specific cipher settings
    sde_connections_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntDev\Service-Connections
        url: http://coagist1.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagist1-pughl (admin).ags
        site_mode: editable # Enable support for publishing to read-only mode site, sets site mode to editable after publishing
        url: http://coagist2.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagist2-pughl (admin).ags
    sde_connections_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntTest\Service-Connections
        url: http://coagisp1.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagisp1-pughl (admin).ags
        site_mode: read_only # Enable support for publishing to read-only mode site, sets site mode to read-only after publishing
        url: http://coagisp2.austintexas.gov
        token: <automatically set by runner.generate_tokens>
        ags_connection: C:\Users\pughl\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\coagisp2-pughl (admin).ags
    sde_connections_dir: \\coacd.org\gis\AGS\Config\AgsEntProd\Service-Connections
proxies: # Top-level proxy settings
  http: proxy-example.com:1234
ciphers: DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=1 # Top-level cipher settings

Example usage

Publish services

  • Publish the dev environment in the CouncilDistrictMap.yml configuration file:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_batch_publishing_job(['CouncilDistrictMap'], included_envs=['dev'])"
  • Same as above, but publish all except for the dev environment (e.g. test and prod) using excluded_envs:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_batch_publishing_job(['CouncilDistrictMap'], excluded_envs=['dev'])"
  • Publish all of the environments in the CouncilDistrictMap.yml configuration file, but only publish the CouncilDistrictsFill service:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_batch_publishing_job(['CouncilDistrictMap'], included_services=['CouncilDistrictsFill'])"
  • Publish the dev environment in the CouncilDistrictMap.yml configuration file, adding a "_temp" suffix to the published service names:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_batch_publishing_job(['CouncilDistrictMap'], included_envs=['dev'], service_suffix='_temp')"
    • Note: Similarly, a prefix can also be specified using service_prefix.

Additional arguments

  • create_backups: By default, backups are created when publishing MapServer, ImageServer and GeocodeServer services.

    A Backups subdirectory is created in the same directory as the source file(s), and a copy of the services to be published are placed there with a timestamp appended.

    To disable creating backups, pass the create_backups=False argument.

  • update_timestamps: By default, when a service is successfully published, the summary field of the service is updated with a message including the publisher's username and the date and time of publishing.

    This requires a valid ArcGIS Admin REST API token be set for each ArcGIS Server instance being published to (see the "Generate tokens" section below for more details).

    To disable updating timestamps, pass the update_timestamps=False argument.

Clean up services

  • Clean up (remove) any existing services in the CouncilDistrictMap service folder that have not been defined in the CouncilDistrictMap.yml configuration file:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_batch_cleanup_job(['CouncilDistrictMap'])"

Note: To clean up services, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Generate reports

Map Data Sources report

This report type inspects ArcGIS Pro Project (APRX) or map document (MXD) files corresponding to services defined in YAML configuration files and reports which layers are present in each APRX/MXD file as well as information about each layer's data source (workspace path, database, user, version, SQL where clause, etc.).

Useful for determining what data sources are present in an APRX/MXD file prior to publishing it, so that you can specify data source mappings, register data sources with ArcGIS Server, or look for potential problems with SQL where clauses.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of all the layers and data sources in each staging and source APRX/MXD file corresponding to each service defined in the CouncilDistrictMap.yml configuration file:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_map_data_sources_report(included_configs=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Map-Data-Sources-Report.csv')"
  • Same as above, but exclude staging APRX/MXD files (located within the staging_dir) from the report:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_map_data_sources_report(included_configs=['CouncilDistrictMap'], include_staging_files=False, output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Map-Data-Sources-Report-no-staging.csv')"

Dataset Usages report

This report type inspects services on ArcGIS Server and reports which datasets (feature classes, tables, etc.) are referenced by each service.

Useful for determining which services would be impacted by a change to one or more particular datasets.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of all the datasets referenced by all services within the CouncilDistrictMap service folder on on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_dataset_usages_report(included_service_folders=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Dataset-Usages-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of all the usages of a dataset named BOUNDARIES.single_member_districts within all services on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_dataset_usages_report(included_datasets=['BOUNDARIES.single_member_districts'], included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags_service_reports/single_member_districts-Dataset-Usages-Report.csv')"

Note: To generate Dataset Usage reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Data Stores Report

This report type lists all of the data stores registered on ArcGIS Server.

Useful for determining which data stores and database connections are available for services to be published to ArcGIS Server.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the data stores registered on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_data_stores_report(output_filename='../ags-service-reports/Data-Stores-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of the data stores registered on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_data_stores_report(included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/Data-Stores-Report_coagisd1.csv')"

Note: To generate Data Stores reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Service Health Report

This report type checks the health of services on ArcGIS Server and reports whether each service is started or stopped.

Additionally, for MapServer, ImageServer and GeocodeServer services, a query is run against each service and information about the results, including response time and any error messages, are added to the report.

Useful for determining which services are stopped, running slowly, or returning errors.

Note: The warn_on_errors argument can be set to True (i.e. warn_on_errors=True) when running this and many other functions of AGS Service Publisher. It is particularly helpful to set warn_on_errors to true when running the Service Health Report, as the script will halt if it encounters an error when processing any one service.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the health status of all the services within the CouncilDistrictMap service folder on on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_health_report(included_service_folders=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Service-Health-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of the health status of all services on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_health_report(included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags_service_reports/coagisd1-Service_Health-Report.csv')"

Note: To generate Service Health reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Service Analysis Report

This report type queries ArcGIS Server for a list of MapServer or GeocodeServer services, finds the source file (MXD, APRX or locator) used to publish that service, and then runs the Analyze step of service publishing against that file, reporting any issues it finds. You can look up the error codes in the ArcGIS Server Help for more information about them.

Useful for determining possible performance or other issues with published services.

Note: The warn_on_errors argument can be set to True (i.e. warn_on_errors=True) when running this and many other functions of AGS Service Publisher. It is particularly helpful to set warn_on_errors to true when running the Service Analysis Report, as the script will halt if it encounters an error when processing any one service.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the analysis results of all the services within the CouncilDistrictMap service folder on on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_analysis_report(included_service_folders=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Service-Analysis-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of the analysis of all services on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_analysis_report(included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags_service_reports/coagisd1-Service_Analysis-Report.csv')"

Note: To generate Service Analysis reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Service Comparison Report

This report type compares a list of services across two AGS instances and reports which services are present on one but not the other.

A warning will be given if more or less than two AGS instances are matched by the input filters.

Services are grouped by environment and AGS instance names, then matched by service folder, service name and service type.

Matches are made case-sensitively by default; set the optional keyword argument case_insensitive to True to override this

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the missing services between the coagisd1 and coagisd2 AGS instances specified within the dev environment defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_comparison_report(included_envs=['dev'], included_instances=['coagisd1', 'coagisd2'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/Service_Comparison_Report_coagisd1_coagisd2.csv')"
  • Same as above but match case-insensitively:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_comparison_report(included_envs=['dev'], included_instances=['coagisd1', 'coagisd2'], case_insensitive=True, output_filename='../ags-service-reports/Service_Comparison_Report_coagisd1_coagisd2.csv')"

Note: To generate Service Comparison reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Service Layer Fields Report

This report type queries ArcGIS Server for a list of MapServer services, finds the source APRX/MXD used to publish each service, and for each layer in the APRX/MXD, reports information about its data source, labels, symbology, fields and indexes.

Useful for determining which fields are being used by a service and whether they are indexed or should be indexed.

The report will output one record for each field in a given service layer, showing whether it has labeling enabled, its symbology type, the field name, field type, whether the field is indexed or should be indexed based on various criteria such as being referenced in the definition query, label classes, or symbology. Shape fields without a spatial index will be indicated as needing an index.

Note: The warn_on_errors argument can be set to True (i.e. warn_on_errors=True) when running this and many other functions of AGS Service Publisher. An error can occur while running this report if the APRX/MXD referenced by a service is not accessible. If this occurs, setting warn_on_errors to True will cause the script to report the error and continue with the rest of the services.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the layers and fields of all the services within the CouncilDistrictMap service folder on on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_layer_fields_report(included_service_folders=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Service-Layer-Fields-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of the layers and fields of all services on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_service_layer_fields_report(included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags_service_reports/coagisd1-Service-Layer-Fields-Report.csv')"

Note: To generate Service Layer Field reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Dataset Geometry Statistics Report

This report type queries ArcGIS Server for the datasets used by each service, and for each dataset, reports information about its data source, shape type, feature count, average part count, and average vertex count.

Useful for determining the size and geometric complexity of the datasets being used by services.

  • Generate a report in CSV format of the dataset geometry statistics of all the services within the CouncilDistrictMap service folder on on all ArcGIS Server instances defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_dataset_geometry_statistics_report(included_service_folders=['CouncilDistrictMap'], output_filename='../ags-service-reports/CouncilDistrictMap-Service-Layer-Fields-Report.csv')"
  • Generate a report in CSV format of the dataset geometry statistics of all services on the coagisd1 ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().run_dataset_geometry_statistics_report(included_instances=['coagisd1'], output_filename='../ags_service_reports/coagisd1-Service-Layer-Fields-Report.csv')"

Note: To generate Dataset Geometry Statistics reports, you must first generate ArcGIS Admin REST API tokens for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml.

Generate tokens

  • Generate an ArcGIS Admin REST API token for each ArcGIS Server instance defined in userconfig.yml that expires in 30 days:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().generate_tokens(reuse_credentials=True, expiration=43200)"


    • This will prompt you for your credentials (ArcGIS Server username and password) unless the username and password arguments are specified, in which case the same credentials are used for each instance.
    • The reuse_credentials argument, if set to True, and if the username and password arguments are not specified, will only prompt you once and use the same credentials for each instance. Otherwise you will be prompted for each instance. Defaults to False.
    • The expiration argument is the duration in minutes for which the token is valid. Defaults to 15.
    • You can limit which ArcGIS Server instances are used with the included_instances and excluded_instances arguments.
    • This will automatically update userconfig.yml with the generated tokens.

Import SDE connection files

  • Import all SDE connection files whose name contains COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE to each of the ArcGIS Server instances in the dev environment specified within userconfig.yml:

    python -c "from ags_service_publisher import Runner; Runner().batch_import_connection_files(['*COUNCILDISTRICTMAP_SERVICE*'], included_envs=['dev'])"

    Note: This looks for .sde files located within the directory specified by sde_connections_dir for each environment specified within userconfig.yml.

Service properties

Service properties are settings that change how a service is defined in the Service Draft (.sddraft) file prior to being published to ArcGIS Server. Examples of service properties include isolation level, number of instances per container, cache directory, etc.

To specify service properties, create key/value pairs for the properties to set and the values to set them to.

Tip: Keys are matched to service property names case-insensitively, and any underscores are stripped so that you can use snake_case to specify them; for example instances_per_container will match the InstancesPerContainer property.

Additionally, the following "special" service properties are recognized:

  • service_type: The type of service to publish. Defaults to MapServer. The currently supported values for this property are:

    • MapServer
    • ImageServer
    • GeocodeServer

    Note: Technically, on ArcGIS Server, FeatureServer services are a capability of MapServer services, and can be published by specifying the feature_access special service property detailed below.

  • copy_data_to_server: Whether to copy data used by services to the server

  • replace_service: If set to True, specifies that any existing service is to be replaced. This can be useful to enable if you find duplicate services with a timestamp suffix are being created on the server.

  • rebuild_locators: Whether to rebuild locators before publishing them (only applies to GeocodeServer services).

  • calling_context: Sets the CallingContext property under the StagingSettings property set. Setting this to 0 may resolve some errors with the StageService tool.

  • tile_scheme_file: Path to a tile scheme file in XML format as created by the Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme geoprocessing tool. Used for specifying the tile scheme of cached map services.

  • cache_tile_format: Format for cached tile images, may be one of the following: PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, JPEG, MIXED, LERC

  • compression_quality: Compression quality for cached tile images, may be a number from 0 to 100

  • keep_existing_cache: Specifies that any existing cache is to be preserved, rather than overwritten.

  • feature_access: A set of key/value pairs specifying the following feature service-related properties:

    • enabled: Whether to enable feature access
    • capabilities: A list of capabilities to enable on the feature service. Can be one or more of the following:
      • query
      • create
      • update
      • delete
      • uploads
      • editing
  • java_heap_size: Size in megabytes to set the service's Java heap size, as described in the Framework Properties section of the Create Service operation in the ArcGIS REST API help (requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7+)

  • recreate_network_dataset: Whether to recreate a network dataset before publishing a service. The network dataset must be in a file geodatabase. When this is true, the following additional properties are required:

    • network_dataset_path: The fully-qualified path to the network dataset.
    • network_dataset_template: The fuly-qualified path to a network dataset template file in XML format as produced by the Create Template From Network Dataset geoprocessing tool.
    • network_data_sources: A set of key-value pairs defining the feature classes participating in the network dataset and their data source. Each key is the name of the feature class participating in the network dataset, and each value is the fully-qualified path to the source feature class from which to copy features into the network's feature dataset.
  • update_network_analysis_layers: Whether to update the features in one more more network analysis layers in a map before publishing a service. When this is true, the following additional property is required:

    • network_analysis_layers: A nested set of key-value pairs defining the network analysis layer names, the names of the sub-layers to update, and for each sub-layer, the fully-qualified data_source path and an optional where_clause.
  • date_field_settings: A set of key-value pairs specifying any or all of the following date field map service settings:

    • date_fields_respects_daylight_saving_time
    • date_fields_time_zone_id
    • dates_in_unknown_time_zone
    • preferred_time_zone_id
    • preferred_time_zone_respects_daylight_saving_time
  • extensions: A nested set of key-value pairs defining which server extensions, e.g. NAServer, to enable and any extension-specific properties to set. To enable an extension, define the enabled key with a value of true.

Service properties may be set at multiple different "levels", allowing you to define properties applicable to all services, specific environments, or specific services.

  1. Service folder level:
    • Create a top-level default_service_properties key and then specify the service properties as above.
  2. Environment level:
    • Within the top-level environments key, for each environment you want to set properties for, create a service_properties key and then specify the service properties as above.
  3. Service level:
    • Within the top-level services key, for each service you want to set properties for, end the service name with a colon (:) to denote that it is a mapping object, and then specify the service properties as above.

      Ensure you indent the service properties by exactly 4 spaces relative to the hyphen (-) before the service name.

Note: Service properties are applied in the order given above, e.g. service folder, then environment, then service-level. So when the same property is specified at a subsequent level, it overrides the value of the previous level.

See the example configuration files section for more details.

Data source mappings

When publishing services it is often necessary to change which data sources are referenced by the layers in the map being published.

This is supported by the data_source_mappings key, specified within each environment of a service folder configuration file.

Note: Data source mappings are supported by MapServer and ImageServer services, but not GeocodeServer services.

  • Can be specified as either a mapping (simpler) or a list of mappings (more flexible)
  • If a mapping is provided, the keys are the source database names to match on, and the values are paths to the target SDE connection files or file geodatabases to map to
  • If a list of mappings is provided, you can use either of the following forms for each mapping:
    • A mapping, as above, whose keys are the source database names to match on, and the values are paths to the target SDE connection files or file geodatabases to map to
    • A mapping with source and target keys:
      • source is a mapping of connection property names and values to match on. All of the specified criteria must match for the mapping to be applied.
        • Supported connection properties:
          • layer_name
          • dataset_name
          • user
          • database
          • version
      • target is the target SDE connection file or file geodatabase to map to
  • fnmatch-style wildcards are supported, but note that in YAML you must enclose keys in single quotes if they contain a non-alphanumeric character.

See the example configuration files section for more details.


  • ArcGIS Pro project (.aprx) files will be used preferentially over MXD files, but MXD files will be automatically converted to ArcGIS Pro projects if necessary.
  • You can use fnmatch-style wildcards in any of the strings in the list arguments to the runner functions, so, for example, you could put included_services=['CouncilDistrict*'] and both the CouncilDistrictMap and CouncilDistrictsFill services would be published.
  • The Runner constructor accepts several optional keyword arguments:
    • verbose: if set to True, will output more granular information to the console to help troubleshoot issues. Defaults to False.
    • quiet: if set to True, will suppress all output except for critical errors. Defaults to False.
    • config_dir: allows you to override which directory is used for your configuration files. Defaults to the ./configs directory beneath the script's root directory. Alternatively, you can set the AGS_SERVICE_PUBLISHER_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to your desired directory.
    • log_dir: allows you to override which directory is used for storing log files. Defaults to the ./logs directory beneath the script's root directory. Alternatively, you can set the AGS_SERVICE_PUBLISHER_LOG_DIR environment variable to your desired directory.
    • report_dir: allows you to override which directory is used for writing reports. Default to the ./reports directory beneath the script's root directory. Alternatively, you can set the AGS_SERVICE_PUBLISHER_REPORT_DIR environment variable to your desired directory.
      • Note that if the output_filename parameter is specified to the reporter function, it will take precedence over the report_dir value, unless the output_filename value does not include a path component, in which case the report will be placed in the report_dir directory and be given the output_filename. If no output_filename value is provided, one will be automatically generated based on the report type and the current date.


  • Create a nicer command line interface
  • Support other types of services
  • Probably lots of other stuff


As a work of the City of Austin, this project is in the public domain within the United States.

Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.