
Project: Mobility Project Viewer 1.0

Opened this issue · 10 comments

The Mobility Project Viewer is a digital platform developed by the Austin Transportation Department that serves as a comprehensive map of all transportation projects within the city. The Viewer is designed to be easily accessible to staff and community stakeholders alike, providing a user-friendly interface for viewing and tracking the progress of ongoing transportation initiatives.

The Viewer is particularly useful for its ability to display the various types of transportation projects being undertaken by the city, including bike lanes, pedestrian paths, road expansions, and more. Additionally, it provides up-to-date information on the current phase of each project, allowing stakeholders to track progress and anticipate completion dates.

Overall, the Mobility Project Viewer is a valuable tool for anyone interested in staying informed about the transportation projects underway in Austin. By consolidating all of this information into one easily accessible map, it helps to promote transparency and accountability in the city's transportation planning and implementation processes.


Research phase

Performed by Janet Chu as a Civic Innovation Corps member, June-August 2021


Existing/related solutions

  • Interim Mobility Project Database Viewer — Built and maintained by Active Transportation for CoA-internal mobility project coordination, data from the Interim Mobility Project (Access) Database / ArcGIS Online

Screenshot of IMPDB Viewer

City of Austin mobility project communications

System context

In relation to Moped, née Mobility Project Database

Pertinent notes from our MPD presentation to the Pedestrian Advisory Council on 1/6:

MPV feature requests:

  • Ability to calculate total expenditure on pedestrian infrastructure
  • Ability to view completed mobility projects (CPE, the Sidewalk Map, and the ASMP map all remove/hide completed work)
  • Ability to query years and compare years, e.g. There’s been a ramp up of sidewalk spending, but we don’t know how much?
  • Ability to see before and after photos of work

Question: How do we define "mobility projects"? Would we see the cost of APD's VZA citation shifts?

@amenity I tagged this as the Project Index because I'd like to capture it in the backlog now.

@janetchuhl and @patrickm02L did amazing groundwork research. Project description has been updated with those resources.

@patrickm02L is slated to PM the Mobility Project Viewer and will most likely be concentrating on this with this summer's Coding it Forward design fellow.

In the meantime, staff in Public Works, ATD, and CIP have been maintaining a publicly-visible AGOL map of the 2022 Mobility Annual Plan:
2022 MAP map

How might we make information about Austin's mobility projects easily accessible to stakeholders and the community?
How might we translate the groundwork research for this project into actionable design strategies?

Design Phase

I (Rebecca) am the UX/UI Design Fellow staffed to this project phase. In order to start prototyping features of the Mobility Project Viewer (MPV), I'm performing Vision Zero/Moped discovery work (#9510) that focuses on several key topics.

VZ/Moped Discovery

  • Reviewing groundwork research performed by Janet & Patrick in 2021, flagging key product guidelines, recommendations, and questions that might inform feature planning.
  • Auditing the current Vision Zero Viewer & Editor tools to understand what features could translate to MPV, and any potential avenues for connecting their purposes.
  • Auditing the Vision Zero dashboard created by the City of New York to flag potential feature additions or enhancements that could translate to MPV, VZV, or even VZE.

Screen Shot 2022-06-24 at 2 41 52 PM Cropped

  • Auditing COA's Moped Dashboard, built internally, and the Interim Mobility Project Viewer, built on ArcGIS Online, to better understand the strengths & limitations of both the current platform and the available proof-of-concept.

Screen Shot 2022-06-24 at 3 51 05 PM Cropped

  • Collating this additional research into a table that details each product's strengths, weaknesses/opportunities, and questions that could drive the low-fidelity prototyping phase.

Next Steps

  • Start translating ideas from Miro to Adobe XD, where I will craft user flow diagrams and wireframes to communicate potential UX/UI design strategies for this project. This is in the initial set-up stages.
  • Once these mock-ups are created, it will activate discussions around key features for MPV and avenues for design & development.

Unassigned @rebeccabrand as part of Fellowship off-boarding.


Wireframe Prototypes

First pass at low-fi prototypes for an external Moped Viewer. Refinements will become clear when we receive design/dev feedback on the internal Projects Map.

Moped 2 0 Project Map wireframes

Hi-fidelity Prototypes

Full screen


The Moped Project Viewer is gearing up as we prepare to welcome a Design Fellow in mid-June.

Issue #12295 outlines our plans and strategy which will focus on for public input and user testing.

In the past month, we made significant progress on our projects. Firstly, we focused on updating the MVP mock-ups #12664, ensuring they are fully clickable and feature realistic interactions. We actively sought feedback from the team and are currently making refinements based on their valuable input. These improvements are crucial as they will prepare us for the upcoming user testing phase.

Additionally, we devoted time and effort to create outreach materials. These materials will be instrumental in screening and identifying local residents who are potential candidates for our user testing sessions. By targeting this specific audience, we aim to gather valuable insights and feedback from individuals who closely represent our target user base.

Overall, our recent activities have been centered around enhancing the mock-ups, gathering feedback, and laying the foundation for user testing.

This summer has been an exciting phase for the Mobility Project, thanks to our Design Fellow Madison. Madison has been hard at work creating testing #12703 and outreach materials #12665 that we'll be using going forward. These resources will be particularly valuable as we shift our focus towards the public side of Moped.

Further action on this project will be temporarily put on hold. This pause will allow us to concentrate our efforts on other critical aspects and return to this initiative with fresh energy and focus when the time is right.